The Trial (Prolouge #3)

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A month later

Felix, Anna, Trixie, Han, Hamish and I are currently sitting in the hall of the justice hall, right outside the courtroom our parents are currently in. Today was the day, they were filing for divorce and fighting for custody. So, the six of us, Jax, Hanzel and grandma Pearl are waiting for the court decision.

Felix was reading, pretending not to be nervous by getting lost in his book. Anna was chatting with Hanzel and Trixie while they messed with eachother's hair. The twins were playing on the floor with some toys they had brought, and Grandma was sitting with them. As for me, I was sitting on the same bench as Felix anxioulsy jumping my leg as I tried to tell myself that everything was finally going to be ok and holding Jax's hand.

It was hours before they walked out of the court room. When they did, my father looked very pleased, almost excited. Meanwhile my mother looked outraged, totally pissed off. My father walked over to us, waited for my mother to leave and then once everyone was looking at him, full attention on him, he started talking.

"We're divorced. I'm legally single. I got the house, the shop, and pretty much all of our assets except for half of whats in the bank account right now. As for custody, I got full custody and I get to decide if and when your mother gets visitation rights." My father told us and all nine of us burst into cheers and applause. We won. Everything would be okay.

"We have to celebrate! To the bakery!" Grandma Pearl cheered and we all filed out and into the carriages (we had to take two because there were so many of us) and headed off to the bakery.

Everything felt lighter for the rest of the day than it had in a long time. It felt like breathing was easier, I definately laughed more. We spent the rest of the day celebrating, eating cake and cupcakes at the bakery for a good hour and a half and then going to Red's and telling her the good news and getting told to come back later that night at around nine and she would light up some fireworks. I sent off a text to the groupchat when we were leaving Red's and got a chorus of;

Maxine: Congratulations!

Ollie: Hell yeah!

Jack: Noice

Jocelyn: That's great, Gil

Hayley: Way to go!

AG: Heck yeah! Congrats

Kayla: That's amazing Gilly <3

AG: My parents said to tell you that they're happy for you, too

I thanked everyone and, after getting the okay from dad, invited them all over to celebrate with us (including Beauty and Sebastian). When we got back home, Raz was already waiting for us, and Ollie showed up a few minutes later being that he lived like ten minutes down the street.

We all hung out and partied for a few hours, eating the cookies from the kitchen and drinking punch (and the adults had some of dad's beer) and dancing around to random songs we played on our phones and attempting (and failing at) karyoke. Us girls also had a mini-makeover thing, by which I mean Anna convinced everyone to let her do their hair and then AG talked everyone (except me) into letting her and Maxine do their makeup. It was amazing.

The had barely completely set by the time nine o'clock rolled around, but nontheless the whole bunch of us were in the town square with Red and Robbin, Robbin lit the fireworks and we all watched as they flew into the air and filled the already beautifully stary night sky with bursts of color as the exploded then fizzled out before the next one came.

At the end of the display, Jax's arm was around my waist and I was leaning into his side with my head on his shoulder and her turned to me with a smile as the last one went off. "I told you everything would be okay, Theif." I chuckled at him.

"That you did." I responded and kissed him, resulting in a chorus of 'awe's from Maxine, Kayla, AG and maybe Anna and a couple 'ew's from the twins. Everyone else turned away to go back to talking amongst themselves except for Felix, who gave me a thumbs up with a giant smile on his face before chasing Hamish down the square with a glow-stick.

Now this... this is how things should be.

Well.. this is the end! Yes, I am aware that is most likely not how a court trial would actually go but... uh, Enchatasia (sadly) isn't a real place anyway.. so..? Anyway, this is the end of it! I hope everyone liked it! Now time to head back to NQAFT! Thank you all for reading, rating, commenting and coming through this story with me! :) <3

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