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"What are you guys doing?" Gilly asked, rubbing lightly at her eyes as she looked around at her friends who looked to be in the midsts of a heated arguement.

"Nothing important." AG answered and walked back over to the arm chair she had been sleeping in, Jax following suit and everyone else slowly moving back to their respective places around the room, but the air remained tense, and Gilly didn't miss Jocelyn and Kayla sent looks AG's way. Eventually though, everyone fell back asleep, and the night carried on in peaceful silence.

When the morning came, Gilly was the first one to wake up.

Gilly's POV

I woke up Sunday morning, not thinking much of everyone else being awake last night. Someone probably woke up and decided to wake other people up and then they started yelling about it or something. I was awake first, as always, and decided to take out my phone and check on Felix.

Gilly: Hey Fe! How're you doing?

Felix: I'm good. How's the sleepover?

Gilly: A little awkward, but it's been fun. I gtg, everyone else's waking up. Love you!

Fe: Bye, love you too!

I smiled at my phone when I got Felix's texts, he such a sweetheart. Anyway, AG was awake now and she wanted to talk to me, so I'd told him I had to go.

"What's up A?" I asked, mildly confused what she thought was so important.

"They know something's up with you. That's what we were fighting about last night because they think I know." She said, I was in a state of shock, but I was trying not to show it on my face. AG must have seen it anyway though because she started trying to reasssure me.

"A, calm down. I know you'd never tell them. I just didn't think they'd figured it out already." I cut off her rant about how she had never tolf them even though they kept asking, which I knew she wouldn't do. Our conversation was cut short, as Jocelyn woke up next and we knew there was no way of sneaking it around her. Geuss we'll just have to wait until everyone's up for breakfast..

After an hour or so everyone was awake and us girls kicked the boys out to go change in the bathroom while we used the sleep over room. Kayla got into a purple and blue ombre dress, with puffy sleeves and a sinched waist with a bow on it. Jocelyn changed into her signature black floor-length dress and ridiculous cape, Maxine changed into a frilly baby pink shirt and a pleated white skirt that looked like it would get stained in five seconds, but it probably wouldn't. Hayley chagned into a sea-foam green t-shirt with the words "I don't care" printed on the front in cursive and gray multi-grained sweat pants. AG changed into a floral t-shirt, a really soft looking pink sweater and a pair of black leggings. I put on a brown "peasant-top" and my favorite pair of ripped jeans. The boys walked back in in three variations of a sweat shirt, plain t-shirt and cuffed jeans.

"Do you guys plan on looking like some kind of awful boy-band or does it just kind of happen?" Hayley asked, making everyone except the byos laugh nad her and Ollie ended up chasing eachother around for about fifteen minutes until Raz came up and made us all go to the dining hall again because her and her and Jax's dad were waiting for us to eat.

When we walked in we all filled into the same places we had sat in the night before and Mr.Porter tried again to break the awkward silence.

"So do any of you have any ideas what you're going to dress up as for Halloween?" He asked.

"Dad, it's literally the second day of October!" Jax exclaimed, shaking his head before grabbing a piece of bacon from the tray that someone had just brought out.

"Actually, I know what I want to be." Maxine said, giving Jax a look before continuing. "I want to be the corpse bride, I already talked to my mom about it and she said that she'd make it for me." She said with a smile and then talked about a few of the details she was hoping ot capture in her costume.

"That sounds really fun, Maxine!" AG squealed when she had finnished her explination, causing Maxine to smile. "Does anyone else know yet? Because I stil have like five ideas that I'm trying to pick from."

"I'll probably either be a vampire or Felix and I will be characters from one of the books he's reading." I replied with a shrug and my friends and Raz nodded along, not really finding anything odd about my answer.

"Whose Felix?" Mr.Porter asked from the head of the table, and that's when I remembered the my answer probably made no sense to him.

"He's my little brother. Well, one of them, I have three. And two little sisters.." I responded, and then cleared my throat lightly and turned back to the table, not wanting to think about my family too much at the moment. "Are you actually going to dress up this year, Jocelyn, or are you just going to act like you're enough of a celebrity that eing yourself is a costume again?" I questioned making her role her eyes at me from across the table.

"I'll probably be something that will scare you witless instead, thanks to that  comment." She said, although I didn't miss her little smile at the end.

"I might be a zombie." Ollie said pretty much out of nowhere and everyone started laughing for no reason. I should ask Fe what he wants to be for Halloween...

Hey guys! Sorry this part took so long, I didn't realize it had been so long since I uploaded.. Anyway, happy October! I'm already in a Halloween mood lol. Thanks for reading, rating, and commenting and I'll try to take a lot less time between updates! <3

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