You'll be glad

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You'll be glad to know I went out and did something tonight. 7-10 pm totally partying...if partying can be considered as dancing to pitch perfect with four other mentally deficient girls. If you never hang out with people you'd should really give it a try. It's fun. Makes you feel kinda important. I hope in high school people will invite me over to parties of just to randomly hang out but.. I'm not setting myself up too high for those dreams.

The book of awesome. Have you ever read? It really is something. Scary how something's in there I'd forgotten about like opening a new package of crayons and how good it smelt or riding your bike on your own for the first time. The crayons I understand because I haven't used them in what feels like a Million years but learning how to ride a bike? I should never forget that.. I think... It's not like I learned how to ride it 20years ago.. I must have been 6 or 5 but you'd think someone could never forge something like that. The memory is a scary,horrible thing. But anyways I borrowed it for my monthly project and I'm almost done. Honestly if you haven't read it then you should, it makes you smile or at lest it does for me :)

So school dances. They're awkward and embarrassing because you have the girls and sometimes guys who grind their asses on you and then you have the guys on one half of the gym and girls on the other. No one dances. You'll find me standing by the wall watching because well I cant dance, not to good music. It's more just jumping and flipping my hair everywhere. But I'm not gona say I hate them because it normally gets us out of two boring classes.

Have you every lost your wallet or keys ? At first you feel pretty calm about it having a general idea where it might be but when you finally go to look and you see it's not there it suddenly starts to get hot in the room, panic sets in and next this you know you're ripping out the clothes in the dresser, flipping over the bed. I've just faced this sickening emotions and actions because I couldn't find my wallet which held all of the savings(nothing to be proud of but eh)

I finally get to go back to school tomorrow, Im so excited like omg can you see the bullshit that's flowing out of me right now? High school open houses tonight. Not gona lie Im kinda scared. I don't know what Im even gona wear tomorrow! How can I pick a high school? A future ? All our lives we've been told "oh that's years from now! Why worry over it? Why think of it?" And now all of a suddenly we're supposed to know who we are who we want to be and where we're gona go to journey with our lives. But I kinda get it because if you asked me where I wanted to go for school and what I wanted to be I would have said " Imma going to Hogwarts to become cat women" but still... I'm bombarded with so many decisions I swear Im gona crack

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