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A/N: Hope you like this one xx

The party was good, the living room and the kitchen were crowded with Kai's team mates as they celebrated todays champions league win against Real Madrid.

The music was blasting through the house, everyone was drinking beer and having fun, some were dancing, some were eating or just sitting on the couch, chatting about the highlights of the match.

It was a rather spontaneous party which was why it took place in Kai's apartment and why the food consisted of tons of takeaway pizza and beer from the nearest gas station. But none of them cared, it was parties like this one that made the best memories.

Y/n and the other girlfriends had arrived a little earlier than the boys to prepare everything they could and now they were celebrating with them, enjoying themselves. Y/n was dancing with the other girls, a glass of wine in her hand as Kai always stored enough of that at home.

She was spinning around, laughing happily when two strong arms suddenly wrap around her from behind. Smiling knowingly y/n turns around in his grip only to be met by Kai's cheeky grin.

"Hey babe", he wiggles his eyebrows at her and she laughs.

"Hello Mister man of the match."

He chuckles as he leans in and places his lips on hers. His kiss is lustful and needy and before he breaks the kiss he bites down on her bottoms lip. "Wanna go upstairs?", he breathes out against her lips and she nods slowly.

"You go first, I'll follow in a second", he tells her and he leaves one more kiss on her lips before she makes her way upstairs.

When she gets to his bedroom she turns the lights down low and crawls into his bed. Only moments later the door opens again and Kai enters the room. She giggles as he immediately pulls his shirt of before getting in bed, crawling towards her and hovering above her body.

"I've been waiting for this all day", his lips brush against hers, then they make their way down her jawline and her neck. When he reaches her cleavage, he sucks on her soft skin and her body presses against his. She feels his bulge against her hips and giggles as she reaches for his belt to open it.

"We gotta be quick", she whispers, trying to hold back her laughter. "Otherwise the other's will wonder where we are."

Kai huffs as he pulls down his jeans, the bulge in his pants now visible.

"You've got way too many clothes on" he says as he pulls on the hem of her shirt. She pulls it above her head and Kai's eyes begin to sparkle as he realizes she's wearing his favourite bra.

"Mhm", he hums, leaning down and kissing the spot between her boobs, knowing that's one of her favourite places to feel his lips on her skin. They are so caught up in the heat of the moment that they don't notice the voices from downstairs calling for Kai.

"Mate, we wanna play beer pong, do you have an old table we can", Timo and Mason come up the stairs and open his bedroom door but stop mid sentence when they see their team mate and his girlfriend making out.

Kai jolts up, glaring at his friends, but both of them won't move. Y/n tries to hide behind Kai as her cheeks redden in embarrassment and she covers her face with her hands. "Get out!", Kai finally yells and the two boys realize what's going on and immediately rush outside.

"We're so sorry", Mason calls out laughing, whilst Timo shuts the door behind them. When they finally left Kai turns back to face his girlfriend and buries his head in the croak of her neck.

Y/n is still covering her face with her hands as she mumbles "this is by far the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me."

Kai groans in agreement. "They'll never stop teasing me about this", he sighs out and rolls down from his girlfriend's body and lays beside her.

"I won't go down there until they're gone", she states as she eventually pulls her hands from her face again. "Please don't let me face them alone", Kai whines but she shakes her head determined. "Please," he repeats pouting and she sighs.

"Alright", she gives in and gets up, picking up her shirt from where Kai tossed it to on the floor. She picks up his clothes as well and throws them in his direction. When they're both fully dressed again, Kai takes her hand in his and leads her downstairs, y/n walking behind him as they enter the living room again. She feels her cheeks flush again as she spots Timo and Mason in the crowd.

"Why didn't you lock the door?," she hisses quietly and Kai shrugs. "I'm sorry I was just so excited." She rolls her eyes but can't help and laugh at him.

"Do you think they've told anyone?", she then questions, looking around the room to find anyone looking at them with grins on their faces or anything but no one is even noticing them. They are all tangled up in their own conversation.

Only Timo and Mason shoot them cheeky grins when they catch their eyes. "Had fun up there?", Mason calls and y/n hides her face in the soft material of Kai's shirt.

"Oh shut up", Kai laughs and she playfully hits him. "This is not funny", she groans and Timo comes over to her and pats her back.

"Don't worry y/n, nothing I've not done myself. My mum walked in on me and my girl once, THAT was embarrassing."

Now she can't help but laugh too and Kai squeezes her hand. When after some time Mason and Timo make their way over to the kitchen to grab themselves another beer Kai leans in.

"That wasn't as bad as I had expected", he says and y/n nods in agreement.

"Anyway, next time you will lock the door", she pouts and Kai laughs.

"I will", he promises before kissing her cheek.

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