the perfect date pt 2

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A/N: Here's part 2! Let me know what you think!

"Hey what's up? Is something wrong?" He was carefully eying her. Was something bothering her? Did he do something wrong? Maybe the whole idea of going out with his best friend just wasn't a good one. But he liked her so much. Oh, who was he even kidding! He loved her for the shake of god. He just had to make a move otherwise her presence in his life would have eventually killed him.

"No its fine, it's just..", she was looking down at their intertwined hands. "I'm just so nervous and this right there was so embarrassing", she muttered.

"Not more embarrassing than me ordering this wine. I've not even tasted it yet I already know I'll hate it."

"Then why did you order it?", she asked, rising her eyebrows at him.

He shrugged his shoulders, now being the one to look down at their hands. "I just figured you like wine so much and you always tell me how your perfect date would consist of a romantic dinner, drinking wine and a make out session afterwards and I didn't want to disappoint you by ordering a beer."

She couldn't help but laugh. Was he serious? This was most likely the cutest thing she's ever witnessed. Although she felt her stomach tightening as she hadn't missed how he'd also mentioned the make out sessions she always rather jokingly included in her imagination of the perfect date.

He must have just realized what he'd said too as the color on his cheeks turned a deep shade of red and this time he was the one trying to hide his face in his hands.

"Gosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it like that you just always mention those three things it's not that all I want out of this evening is to make out with you", he stuttered.

Making out with Kai. Oh how many times she had secretly thought about that already. But instead of telling him that she assured him it was fine. "I get what you meant to say."

Gladly the waiter interrupted the two of them by bringing them their appetizers. They spend the next hour munching away on their food, not really exchanging any words besides gushing about how delicious everything was. By the end of the dinner she had emptied both glasses of wine herself and Kai was just dumping the rest of the beer he had later ordered.

"This was nice, thank you so much", she said as she left the restaurant.

"It was", Kai smiled. "You wanna go for a short walk before I'll take you home?"

She nodded, excited about the date not being over just yet. They were just walking past the parked car as she started shivering a little. It was still warm outside but she got cold easily. Without a word needed Kai opened the backdoor of his car and got out his jacket.

"You want this?", he asked and she gladly accepted it, loosely wrapping it around her shoulders. They continued to walk side by side on the quite streets of London, their hands brushing past each other's every once in a while, until Kai finally got the courage to softly grab onto it. First only with his ring finger and as she wouldn't let go he intertwined his whole hand with hers. She couldn't help but smile at how perfectly her hand fitted into his. She leaned her head onto his shoulder and that's how they walk through the night.

"Did I even tell you how absolutely gorgeous you look tonight?", Kai suddenly whispered and she smiled brightly.

"No, you haven't. But I've not mentioned how handsome you look either so I guess we're even."

He chuckled. Then it was quiet again but neither of them minded. They enjoyed each other's company and despite both of them being really nervous about this date in the beginning, they now felt comfortable in each other's presence. Eventually they got back to the car, he held the door open for her again and they drove off to her apartment.

When they got there, he insisted in taking her all the way up to her floor. Standing in front of her door, both of them didn't really know what to do. The nervousness was suddenly coming back. Kai was rubbing his neck and she was starring past him, up the stairs where some moon light was shining through the window. She didn't want this to end. She didn't want him to give her a hug and then leave. She was scared this might be the only night they got. That when they woke up again tomorrow they'd both realize they wouldn't want to ruin their friendship. Although, she knew exactly, all she wanted was to finally be his, no matter the consequences.

"You know", she eventually spoke up, "This almost was the perfect date. We had dinner, there was wine involved... The only thing missing though", she couldn't finish her sentence as suddenly Kai's lips met hers, stopping her from speaking. He pushed her up against her door as he deepened the kiss. Her hands flew to the back of his neck whilst he unlocked the door. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around his back and he grabbed onto her thighs to hold her up as he was walking into her apartment, kicking the door shut with his foot. He made his way over to her bedroom, he knew her place like the back of his hand. As he let her fall down onto her bed they both gasped for air before he crawled on top of her and continued to kiss her.

This was what he'd been waiting for, for so long. Not to make out with her. But to show her, to physically make her feel how much he liked her. Her hands found their way under her dress. She gently stroked his abs before her fingers made their way onto his back. His hands were fondling with her dress but he didn't dare to take it off as knew he would expose her whole body with that single piece of clothing. As she realized what was holding him back she sat up and took off the dress herself. He gasped and couldn't keep his eyes from her.

"I know I already told you tonight but gosh you look so beautiful."

She blushed at his words before she let herself fall back into the cushions. He hovered on top of her making sure not to press all his weight onto her fragile body. They made out for a whole while longer, until both of them were exhausted from all the kissing. He fell down on bed right beside her and she giggled at his flustered cheeks. He smiled brightly at her as he wrapped the blanket around both of them. They were facing each other and she couldn't help but stare into his beautiful eyes. If only she knew what was going on in his head right now. Hence she asked him exactly that.

"What are you thinking?" 

"I think I'm in love with you."

Her eyes widened. Did she just hear what she thought she heard?

"What?" she stuttered.

"I'm in love with you" he said again, more sure of what he was saying this time.

She gasped a little, then she placed her hand on the side of his cheek and gently caressed it.

"I love you too", she finally whispered, her eyes sparkling with joy.

His face broke out into a huge smile and he leaned in to place another kiss on her lips. She hummed against his lips and when he pulled away she pouted. Laughing he leaned in again.

"Now it was the perfect date" she mumbled against his lips.

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