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A/N: Let's just imagine the game against Real Madrid ended a little differently... hope the boys will win on Tuesday and get through!! 

ps. as always, let me know what you think of this one xx and enjoy!!

I'm at home, watching Chelsea play the quarter finals of the champions league. They're good (of course they are) and the score is 2-0 for them. The Stamford Bridge is filled with cheering people, I can hear that through the tv. I'm a little upset I'm not there. But I had a reason not to go. Kai and I had our very first really serious fight yesterday. At least since the baby was born. He was usually supporting me as best as he could. He'd made sure I'd get enough sleep (which was quite impossible with a new born in the room but he tried anyway), whenever we had some rare alone time he'd treat me like a queen and I appreciated everything he did. But yesterday he was off. I still don't know what had been bothering him. But he had not listened to me at all all day and he made me feel as if I was invisible. I can't even remember what the fight was really about. I only know that at one point he said something along the lines of „you have no idea what it's like having to function all the time. I can't just take a day off and leave my team hanging. Not like you who has no work to do for another year".
I know we had provoked each other and I know he only said that because of the heat of the moment. But I was still mad. I stormed out of the room and locked myself in the baby's nursery. I held our tiny daughter in my arms and pressed her closely to my body as soft sobs escaped my throat. Thinking about it now I might have overreacted a little. But his word hurt. He knew I felt bad for not being able to work, he knew I actually missed working. And he said it anyways.

I listen to Bellas soft snores and gently push some of the few dark strands of hair out of her face. She's on the couch next to me, sleeping tightly. I look up as loud screams of celebration come from the tv. The referee had just ended the game and Chelsea won. A small smile makes its way onto my lips. I know this means a lot. Especially because in the league their last few matches hadn't been the best. It's important for all of them to finally gain back some confidence through of a victory. And holy shit, they're one step closer to another Champions League win.

When Kai appears on the screen I realize how he's scanning the stands and I immediately feel bad. I didn't even tell him I wouldn't go and watch the match today. I quickly turn of the tv and walk over to the kitchen. Before I exit the living room I take a quick look over my shoulder but Bella is still sound asleep on the couch. I grab the baby phone from the shelf and take it with me. In the kitchen I reach for my baking cook book and search for the one of the cookie recipes Kai loves so much. When I find it I get out all the ingredients I need and start mixing them together for the dough. Whilst they bake I prepare a big veggie pie with all of Kai's favorite vegetables and cook potatoes for some mashed potatoes. I know very well that this dish is also one of Kai's favourites ever since he moved to England.

Kai's sad expression after a big win like this made me feel bad for how I reacted yesterday but mostly for not showing up for the game today. He deserves some treatment after such a great win.

I can get the cookies out of the oven to cool down and place the pie in it. I also put two wine glasses out and get a bottle of wine out of the pantry. Then I prepare myself a cup of tea and sit down in front of the big windows that allow a lovely backyard. Which is completely dark right now as it's quite late. It's already 9 pm and Kai should be home any second. I know I should have most likely put Bella to bed already but I also know how much Kai loves to pick her up and walk upstairs with her sleeping figure in his arms to tug her into her little crib. So I figured I'd keep her downstairs with me until he gets home. She's still asleep as I've not heard any sound coming from the baby phone. That's until now. It's Kais voice coming from the small gadget.

"Hey baby girl", I hear his low voice and I can picture him picking her up carefully not to wake her and brushing his nose past hers. I get up from my seat and walk over to the living room. There he is, Bella on his arms just as I had anticipated.

I lean in the door way and wait for him to notice me. When he does his smile falls and again a feeling of guilt washes over me.

"Y/n", Kai whispers. "I'm so sorry for what said yesterday." He walks closer to me and wants to keep talking but I shush him.

"Don't apologize. I totally overreacted."

He wants to continue but I beat him to it.

"Let's discuss this after you've brought her to bed okay?" I whisper and place my lips on Bellas forehead to say goodnight.

Kai takes her upstairs and I head back to the kitchen. I put the cookies in a bowl and place them on the kitchen counter. Then I put the pie and the mashed potatoes down on the table and fill both our glasses with some red wine. Mine's only half full cause I'm not really used to alcohol again just yet. As soon as I'm done I hear footsteps coming closer.

"Do I smell..", Kai starts before he reaches the kitchen. When he spots the cookies and the pie his eyes light up. He walks over to me but stops a couple feet away from me. My heart aches a little.

"I don't deserve this" he says and the guilt in his eyes makes my heart ache and my eyes widen as his words.

"What? Kai, no, I'm the one who overreacted. And then didn't show up to your match and I didn't even tell you."

He shakes his head, his eyes on the floor. "You had every right to act like that. I hurt you with my words. I knew I would and I said it anyways. And I'm really sorry about." He scratches the back of his neck and my heart melts at the sight of him. He looks so fragile right now. Like he's scared of something. Like there's more that I don't know about yet.

"Babe, what's up?" I ask. He looks up and finally closes the gap between us. "Do you forgive me? Because I've actually got a really important question to ask you." His eyes flicker over my face, as if he's trying to read my mind. I chuckle lightly. "Of course I forgive you" I smile. "What do you want to ask me?", I encourage him.

He takes a deep breath and takes a step backwards again. I furrow my eyes at him confused as to why he's acting so weird.

"Actually" he starts and bites his lip. He's searching for words. "I was only so mean to you yesterday because there's something I've had on my mind for a while now. And yesterday was the day I wanted to finally get it out but then thinking about it made me so nervous that I completely messed it up."

I have no idea what he's trying to tell me. "What do you mean?" I ask in confusion.

He stares at me for a second. Then he reaches into his pocket and with a quick movement he's down on his knee, holding out his hand with a small black box in it. I gasp. "Y/n y/l/n, I love you more than words could ever describe. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He looks up at me and I'm in shock. I don't even realise silent tears are streaming down my face when I finally nod. "Yes", I say, my voice only a whisper. "Yes of course I will" I say again and before he can stand up I'm down on my knees too, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him passionately. He smiles against my lips and wraps his arms around my back to pull me even closer. When we break the kiss, I realize he's in tears too. With my thumb I brush away the tears from his cheeks.

"I love you Kai", I sniffle and we both laugh. He reaches for my hand and puts the ring on my finger. "It's beautiful".

We get lost in each other's eyes for a while, not caring about still kneeling on the floor or the pie getting cold. Until we hear screams coming from the baby phone. We look at each other and both start laughing before we get up. Kai takes my hand as we make our way upstairs. He takes Bella from her crib and rocks her gently until she stops crying. I walk closer to the two of them and wrap my one arm around Kais back whilst I gently stroke Bella's cheek with my other hand. The ring sparkles slightly in the dimmed light of the nursery and I couldn't be happier. 

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