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Wait. Don't pull away... not yet.

You couldn't lie you felt great. Today had been such a good day. You went to the gym, had lunch with Kai before he had his last training and tonight the two of you and a couple of your friends had met up to go to the club together and celebrate the end of the season for Chelsea. You didn't need an excuse to go out really but you felt it was much more fun when you had something to toast for. So here you were. The boys were at the bar and you and the other girls had already had enough drinks to hit the dance floor. You moved your hips to the music, singing along and laughing as some of your friends were pulling off some rather crazy dance moves. Usually you wouldn't feel confident doing things like these but as you walked down the stairs earlier this evening to leave the house Kai wouldn't shut up about how beautiful he thought you looked tonight and well... that gave you quite some confidential boost. You wore a green satin dress that ended right in the middle of your thigh, showing off the tan you had managed to get the last couple weeks. At least England's heat wave that had come quite early this year was good for something.
You wore your hair down and put on some light makeup to not overdo it. You actually felt quite overdressed when you left the house but that feeling was soon washed away when you saw the other people at the club. But you were happy with what you looked like, especially because Kai couldn't seem to keep his hands off of you until you and the girls had decided to hit to the dance floor. After what felt like hours of dancing you got a bit tired and made your way back over to the bar. As Kai spotted you he wrapped his arm around your lower back and placed a kiss on your cheek.
"Hey there gorgeous" he greeted you and you blushed a little. Kai would always make sure to compliment you as many times as he could but oh boy, you would never get used to that.
"I'm tired" you told him, leaning against his strong body. It was past 2am already so it would be okay for you to leave you thought to yourself. You just couldn't wait to cuddle up in bed with Kai's arms wrapped around you.
"You wanna leave?" he asked you and you nodded. That was enough for him to announce to the boys that you'd head home now. You both said your goodbyes and left the club shortly after.
The club wasn't too far from where you lived so you decided to walk home. Kai loosely held your hand as the two of you were making your way home. Suddenly on the other side of the street a group of boys appeared. You felt uncomfortable as you noticed all of them starring at you. Kai had not noticed them yet and you two just kept walking when three of them crossed the street and started to follow you. After a few moments, you heard them whistle behind you. You rolled your eyes at their childish behavior but felt Kai's grip on your hand tightening as he turned around.
"Will you stop that already", he growled, his voice low but sharp.
"Just ignore them", you whispered and pulled Kai with you to keep walking. The boys however wouldn't stop following you and out of a sudden you felt a hand on your butt.
"Why go home with him when you can just come with us", one of the boys whispered in your ear as he pressed his body against your back.
You gulped. But suddenly the boy let go of you as Kai pushed him back.
"Don't you dare touch my girlfriend like that."
His voice was deep and sharp and you had never seen him like that. Furious. Ready to do whatever it would take to protect you.
  The boy just laughed but that stopped the second Kai punched him in the face. The boy tangled back and his friends had to hold him up.
"You want more?" Kai took a few steps in their direction but they were quick to back off and finally leave.
"Shit", he cursed under his breath as he held his fist. You rushed over to him. "Are you okay?"
He nodded but you didn't believe him as you saw blood running from his knuckles. "Let's get you home okay?" you whispered and the two of you continued your way home.
After you took care of Kai's hand you both quickly got into bed. You snuggled up beside your boyfriend as he wrapped his arm around you.
"Thank you", you whispered.
Kai softly stroke your head.
"For what?" he asked confused. You chuckled as you sat up a little to properly look at him. "For protecting me."
You robbed a bit closer, placed your hand on his check and softly kissed his lips. Kai deepened the kiss. You felt so loved by him, you had never felt like this before.
You wanted to lean back but he stopped you.
"Wait", he whispered against your lips as he softly grabbed your wrist. "Don't pull away, not yet."
You smiled against his lips as you leaned back in. You let yourself slide onto his lap and he wrapped his arms around your body. It felt like he never wanted to let go again. Eventually though, you both need to take a breath.
Kai's gaze paved your eyes and lands on your hands that you have pressed against his chest.
"I'm sorry he got to touch you like that. I should have reacted earlier." He sounds genuinely sorry. You put your hand in his neck and gently stroke the back of his head. The touch makes him look at you again.
"Hey don't worry, its fine. They were prigs that's all. I'm just glad you stood up for me. Although punching him might have been a bit too much."
Kai snorted. "No way, he got exactly what he deserved. Now let's get some sleep." 
He pressed a kiss onto your forehead. You smiled at your, a little too overprotective, boyfriend. It was cute though. He cared for you. You really couldn't wish for anyone better to be there for you.

A/N: hope you enjoyed this... love ya

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