so lucky

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A/N: thank you for 1k readers xx

As you were looking at yourself in the mirror you almost had tears running down your cheeks. "No no no, you're not supposed to cry", your best friend rushed to your side although you quickly noticed she had tears brimming in her eyes as well. She handed you some tissue and you carefully wiped your tears in order not to ruin your make up.

"Can you believe this? I am getting married today. Married!"

You still couldn't believe how lucky you were. And although you were really nervous about everything, especially the wedding itself got your nerves going. God damn it what if you forgot your vows? Or you were so overwhelmed you couldn't even get out the "I do" part?

However, you were beyond excited. You had been waiting for this day since you were 11. You had always loved the idea of marriage and when you met Kai, you almost immediately knew he was the one you would want to go on this life long journey with.

Suddenly your mum appeared next to you and she squeezed your shoulders. "You look so beautiful. What a wonderful bride you are", she sniffled, smiling though. You hugged her tightly. "Thank you for everything mum", you whispered in her ear.

"Here you go Mrs. y/l/n." Now y/b/f/n handed your mum some tissue which she gladly excepted.

The emotional encounter between the three of you was interrupted by a knock on your door. "We gotta go", your dad said as he appeared in the room, only to shut up immediately as he saw you.

"My little girl is growing up", he sighed as your mum went over to him and wrapped her arm around his back.

"She already almost ruined her make up so don't make her tear up again."

You gave her a thankful smile. Your dad was good at making you emotional with stuff like that and she knew that.

"Then let's go, you don't wanna be late at your own wedding, right?", your dad laughed and ushered the three of you out of the room, obviously getting his wife's hint. The four of you got into the car and your dad drove over to the church where the wedding would take place. Everyone was already inside so y/b/f/n and your mum made their way inside as well whilst you and your dad waited outside for the music to start which would signal you could start walking down the aisle. You grabbed onto your dad's arm.

"I'm so happy dad", you whispered with a huge smile on your face and your dad, despite being emotional about giving his little daughter away to another man, couldn't help but smile as well. Then the music started. "Well then, let's get you in there, shall we?"

And with that your dad pushed open the door and the two of you walked in. Everyone was turning their heads at you and stood up as they saw you approaching. You saw all your family members and friends, everyone smiling or already wiping away a few tears and all the attention made your knees go weak. But the second you laid eyes on on Kai, they all disappeared. You focused only on him. His hair short but a bit curly in the front, the way you liked it best, his oh so well toned body in a neat grey suit and a huge grin plastered on his face. His eyes were following your every step.

The closer you got you realized his eyes were sparkling from tears brimming on the edge and his hands were shaking a little. Your dad kissed your cheek and let you go as you arrived at the front and you stepped closer to Kai. You immediately reached out to take his hands in yours and gently caressed the back of them with your thumbs in order to make him calm down. It worked as he stopped shaking the second you touched him. The pastor started talking but you were barely listening. You were so caught up by Kai's presence. It was like he was lulling you in. It was just you and him starring into each other's eyes. But you pulled yourself together as you didn't want to miss anything the pastor said.

Eventually you exchanged vows. You were up first. You had a small piece of paper hidden in your cleavage and as you carefully pulled it out Kai couldn't help but chuckle. You smirked at him before you cleared you throat.

"I have always loved weddings. I was about 11 years old when I attended one for the first time and ever since then I was obsessed with the idea of getting married. I owned a huge folder where I kept everything I wanted for my own wedding. Pictures of dresses and decorations, I had picked out the flowers for the reception and which flavor the wedding cake would have. And all those years I thought those details were the things that made a wedding so special. That was until I met you. That's when I realized I didn't need any of that as long as I have you. As long as you're the one I get to share the cake with I don't care which flavor it is, as long as you're the one I get to celebrate with I don't care about the decoration and as long as you're the one getting me out of this dress tonight I don't care what it looks like."

Laughter interrupted within the guests and it made you look up at Kai. Tears were running down his face and you were taken aback. You had never seen him cry like this. You gently wiped his tears away with your thumb and he smiled at your action before you continued.

"As the perfectionist I am, of course all of these things turned out exactly as I had planned them all those years ago anyway. But nevertheless, they'll all be gone tomorrow. But you won't. You'll be by my side and I am beyond thankful for that and more than excited to start a new life with you. You make me complete and I promise I will never stop to make you and our life together my priority. I love you."

As soon as you said that Kai's lips landed on yours. "You're not supposed to kiss me yet", you mumbled against his lips smiling. He just shrugged and smirked as he pulled away again. Now it was his turn. He took your hands in his again before he started.

"Y/n y/l/n, I love you. It's as simple as that. Three little words. I love how kind you are, how much you care for other people and how beautiful you are. Yet, those three words mean so much more. They mean that I love the way you want to wear my jacket because you're cold even though it's 25 degrees outside. I love how you assure me it's fine to watch a horror movie but then hide behind a pillow the whole way through because you're scared as hell. I love the way you make me laugh when you're totally oblivious to how incredibly hilarious you are. I love how you read the last sentence of a book before you buy it, I love how the first thing you do in the morning is to open the window and take a deep breath and I love how you make yourself a cup of tea and then get distracted by something so the tea is cold by the time you remember you made one. I love all of you. All these small things about you that make you who you are. I promise I will never stop to cherish them, I promise I will never stop to support you and as simple as it sounds, I promise I will never stop loving you. With all my heart."

You were amazed by his words. Of course, you knew he loved you but never had you expected him to say it in such a way. You squeezed his hands as a tear escaped your eye and rolled down your cheek. The wedding continued, you exchanged the rings, said your "I do's", everything with huge smiles plastered on both your faces.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Finally, you thought. Kai's lips immediately crashed onto yours and you deepened the kiss as to let out all the love you felt for him in that exact moment. The crowd interrupted in cheers and you eventually pulled away.

"I'm so lucky", Kai whispered in your ear as he took your hand to walk out of the church with you. You leaned on his side as you passed all the guests again.

"I'm so happy", you said randomly. Then you smirked up at him. "What I said about the dress earlier. I meant it. I've got some surprise for you under here."

Kai's eyes widened. "Let's skip the reception then", he answered and you playfully slapped him. "Don't forget that I've waited to try that cake since I was 11. I'm not missing it", you pointed out seriously before both of you erupted in laughter.

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