laundry day

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A/N: hope you like this one! xx

"You've got anything else that needs a wash?", I ask as I enter the living room with a big basket filled with laundry under my arms. Kai pauses the game of Fifa he's currently playing and looks up at me. Sometimes I couldn't understand how he wasn't just sick of football. Playing every weekend, training almost every day and when he came home? Gambling the same game he was surrounded by all of the time anyway.

Sometimes I played against him though, and always terribly lost cause I was shit at fifa but I didn't care. It was always a great laugh.

Kai gets up from the couch and crosses the room to walk towards me. He inspects the basket closely. "You know whether my black sweatpants are in there? I think they need to get washed."

I try to recall what I'd thrown in the basket a couple minutes ago before I shake my head. "Don't think I put them in there, no."

Kai jogs over to the door. "I'm quickly gonna get them then", he says before he disappears upstairs.

Whilst my eyes follow his toned figure I remember how I wore them the other night after we got home from dinner and had watched a movie in bed before falling asleep. "I think they're somewhere beneath my stuff in the closet", I call after him.

"Found them", his voice rings from upstairs only a couple minutes later and I chuckle as he runs back downstairs, the sweatpants in hands, holding them up in the air like they were the world cup.

"Great catch," I laugh whilst he walks over to me. He places his lips on my and smiles into the kiss.

"I know", he laughs before he heads towards the laundry room, his left arm in the air like superman. "Let's get the washing done!", he yells out and I follow him, laughing brightly at my childish boyfriend. He opens the washing machine and throws his pants in.

"Goaaaal", he calls out and I shake my head laughing whilst I put the basket down. Kai picks up all the clothes at once and pushes them inside the machine, closes the door and turns the machine on.

"Very good very good, now what do we do whilst waiting for it to wash?" he asks wiggling his eyebrows at me. I roll my eyes at him. He sighs dramatically as he takes it as a no and closes the gap between us, wrapping his arms around my waist and squeezing my but lightly. I playfully hit his chest.

"Hey", he pouts. "Play a game of fifa against me then?", he asks hopefully and I hide my face in his chest.

"But I'll lose anyway", I groan and he laughs slightly.

"That's what's so fun about it."

I sigh before I free myself from his grip and head towards the living room. "Let's go then."

Kai throws his fist in the air and runs past me, jumping on the couch and preparing the game. I take the controller from him as I let myself fall down next to him. But Kai seems to have other plans as he pulls me to sit on his lap.

"You'll have better chances of winning when I'm distracted by your body on mine", he explains when I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Well, let me kick your ass then", I say as the game begins.

Obviously, I lose anyway and when the game is finally over Kai turns me around so I'm facing him.

I wrap my legs around his torso as I whine.

"Don't ever get my hopes up like that again, it's worse losing when you think you have a chance of winning for once."

Kai laughs as my pouting face and leans in to brush his nose past mine. "I'm sorry you suck babe", he grins and I gasp.

"You dare to say that one more time", I warn but he quickly jumps from the couch, taking me up in his arms with him.

"I think the washing is done", he tries to distract me, nevertheless laughing as he carries me over to the laundry room. He lets me down on the counter next to the washing machine and opens it to carry the clothes over to the dryer. "You lost a sock", I say pointing down on the floor.

Kai quickly picks it up and throws it in my direction but I yield in time.

"Missed me."

"Nice dive", he comments before he picks me up again.

"What are you doing?", I ask but he says nothing as he walks upstairs with me. "Kai no", I giggle. "The washing's not done yet."

Kai shrugs before he throws me down on our bed.

"It almost is though", he says as he crawls on top of me.

"And I think the winner deserves some kind of reward, doesn't he?", he grins before he kisses me hungrily.

And only within seconds my attention is fully drawn from the laundry.

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