Chapter 3

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Jay and Kim head to the firehouse to tell Kelly and Boden, we walked to Boden's office and knocked, Kelly, opened the door
"Okay Brealynn has kidnapped two guys," Kim said
'She wouldn't let herself get taken," Kelly said
"Kelly we are doing everything to get her back," I said
"Try harder," Kelly said
"Kelly I know she's your sister okay I would be the same way if my brother got kidnapped," Jay said
"Jay bring her back," Kelly said
"We will," Kim said
We walked back out of the firehouse and headed back to the 21st,
"Do have anything," Voight asked
"The only thing we have is Andrew Trevor's brother was a Marine Medic," Kevin said
"Jay do you know anything," Voight asked
"Jake was Medic who died in the ambush," I said
"Was Severide in that unit," Kevin asked
I just nodded
"Jay talk to me in my office," Voight said
"Yeah," I said walking to his office
"Jay what do you know," Voight asked
"She couldn't save Jake or the other Medic Andrew blames Brealyn for his death," I said
"There was never shot fired he called 911 saying shots fired to get her out," Voight said
"Get Kelly he might use his leverage," Voight said
6 hours later
"Guys let's go," Voight said
We all head to where Brealyn was
POV Brealyn
I was starting to lose consensus when I heard Jay yelling for me
"Jay," I Screamed
I heard the door open
"Hey Brealyn I'm here okay," Jay said
"Jay I can't keep my eyes open," I mumbled
"Hey focus on me okay don't you dare close your eyes," he said
"I can't," was the thing I said before my world went black
"Dammit Brealyn," Jay yelled
"Roll ambo to 247 loins Street," Kevin said into his radio
"Rolling an Ambulance to your location," Dispatch said
6 hours later (Brealynn p.o.v)
I woke up to beeping and bright lights, I tried to sit up but groaned in pain
"Sis," Kelly said sounding worried
"K-Kelly," I choked out since my mouth was dry
"Don't ever do that again," he said his voice Cracking
"I'll try," I coughed "Fuck,"
"Two broken ribs," he said before we heard the door open. I looked up to see Jay, my partner
"You should see the other guy," Jay said
"I was tired up," I said trying not to laugh
"Yeah," Jay said smiling

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