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Okay first go listen to the song big big plans here's the link but this chapter goes with the song


Jay Brealynn have been dating for 3 years now and Jay has some big plans for them especially when it comes to a family and what she wants. Jay will always keep her safe, as her work partner and partner in life. But there's a big question Jay needs to ask her first. Jay walked into Molly's and found Kelly and Boden sitting waiting for him, Jay was nervous to say least, Kelly her big brother and Boden is like her second father
"Okay Jay what is it?" Kelly asked
"May I marry your sister," I asked
"Yes you have my blessing," Kelly
Jay turned to boden
"Hm after Benny died. Brealynn said I need to ask you for her hand since your her God father," Jay said
"You have my blessing," Boden said
"Thank you," Jay said right as Brealynn walked over
"Hey boys," She said
"Hey," they said
"Me and the girls are going to a club," I said
"Be careful," Jay said kissing me
"Always am," I said
I walked outside and let the cold Chicago air hit my face
"Okay lets go," Stella said
We went to the club but stayed for and hour then went home. Once I got home, I went and took a shower and changed into some shorts and one of Jay's shirts before getting into bed and falling asleep
"I better get home," I said
"See you tomorrow," Adam said
"Yep," I said
I walked to my truck and started heading home, I pulled into the driveway at 11pm and all the lights were off, I walked into the house and went into the bedroom and saw Brealynn sleeping. I smiled at her and went and took a shower before getting ready for bed and pulling her close to me and falling asleep with her in my arms, the next morning I woke with Brealynn head on my chest, I kissed her forehead
"Mhm," She said
"You awake," I asked
"No," She said
I kissed her forehead again
"Babe we got to get up," I said
"No im comfortable," She said
I moved a little bit
"Jay," She said
"What," I said
"You moved," She said
"Sorry," Isaid
She got up and walked to the bathroom to get ready, I got up and walked into the bathroom to see her doing her hair, I wrapped my arms around her waist, and kissed her neck
"Jay," She said
"What," I said
"I have to get ready," She said
"So do I," I said
She finished her hair and went changed while I got ready for the day and then we headed to the district. As soon as we got there we're called out to a shooting, as soon as we got there we all split I got pinned behind the truck and building before getting out and getting shot, I crawled to the other side of the truck before we finished and got everyone. I sat by the tire of the truck taking off my gear so could breathe better
"5021 Henry officer in need of assistance," I said
"5021 Ida copy," Adam said
Heard footsteps running to me
"Brealynn," Adam said
"Adam where's Jay," I said
"He's coming," Adam said
"5021 Ida officer down roll ambo," Adam said
I didn't realize that I had been shot in the leg yet, but the pain soon hit
"Ahhhh," I yelled
"Brealynn," Jay said
"Brealynn where are you hit," Jay said
"I don't know," I said in pain
Jay looked at my leg
"Shit," he said
Jay grabbed something from the truck and tied it around my leg. The next thing remember is waking up in the hospital, I tried to sit up but it hurt
"Fuck," I mumbled
"Hey Babe let me help you," Jay said
Jay helped me sit up
"Hey how you feeling," Will.asked
"Hm other then being shot twice, I great," I said sarcastically
"Yeah your lucky 7 more inches higher you'd still be in surgery," Will.said
"My vest," I said
"Yep," Jay said
I started to coughing
"Ugh," I said
"Yep your brused in the chest we have pain killer going through your IV," Will said
"I'm surprise Jay is still concensus," I said
It had been 3 weeks since I was shot and Jay had a surprise for me later today after work and I was so excited about it, I literally ran down the stairs after work, just to get to my truck so I could go home quickly as soon as I got home I saw a note Jay left for me

Hi babe I know your home before me so I need you to change into a dress for tonight I'll be home soon, just got to do something first then I will be and we can go I changed at the district so I just need to pick you up

Love Jay

I ran up the stairs to go get ready for tonight once I was ready I heard a knock at the door, I walked down to see who ot was, when I open the door I saw Jay with roses
"Jay," I said
"You look beautiful," he said
"Thank you," I said
"You can put the flower inside," he said
"Thanks," I said
I grabbed a Vass and put some water in it for the flowers before we left the house and headed to dinner, after dinner we went for a walk on the lakefront trail, we walked for a little bit before Jay stopped
"Jay why did you stop," I asked
"Im not aloud to take in the veiw of the city," I said
"Yes you are," I said
"Wow this harder then it seem," he said
"Jay what is," I said
"Brealynn since I met my heart has fall so deep for you, your smile, your laugh, the way you play with your when your think, I love everything about you," he said
"Jay," I said
He was starting to tear up a little
"Jay," I said
He got down on one knee
"Knowing you Brealynn has changed me, I love waking up next to you in the morning, and I want to do it for the rest of my, Brealynn Severide will you marry me?" He asked
"Yessss," I said
He put the ring on my finger and kissed me spinning me around, I took a picture and sent in the group chat for the girls


Stella- Oh my gosh Brea- He proposed Apirl- Oh myBrett- Ahhhhhhh

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Stella- Oh my gosh
Brea- He proposed
Apirl- Oh my
Brett- Ahhhhhhh

"Who you messaging," Jay asked
"The girls," I said
"Yeah showing them the ring," he said
"Yeah," I said

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