Chapter 8

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It been 3 days since we found dad died, I was helping Kelly find dad's metal
"Kelly he moved a lot," I said
"No it's somewhere," he said
"Kelly," I said
"What," he said
"You know what I'm done helping you I'm going to help Beth," I said walking out my truck and driving away, after the hundredth text today I turned off my not realizing that I forgot to tell Jay, I heard sirens behind me
"Shit," I said
I rolled down my window
"We have her truck," the officer said
He walked up to my window
"Look I'm a detective I have my badge," I said
"No your boyfriend's just worried," he said
He walked back to his and I drove to 21st  District, once I got there I walked up the stairs
"Severide your on personal," Trudy said
"I know," I said
I got to the top of stairs and saw someone new sitting up there
"Mouse," Jay said
"Yeah," he said
"Dude she hasn't messaged me back," Jay said
"Jay her dad just died," Adam said
"Or you could always just look towards the stairs," Kim said
"Yeah Jay if you towards the stairs," Kevin said
"Guys no im not falling for that," Jay said
"Danm I thought you would," I said
"Brealynn weres your phone," Jay said
"Off," I said
"Brealynn is safe," We heard over the radios
"Why aren't you with kelly," Jay asked
"Because he's being a dick," I said
"Oh," They all.said
"Jay is she wearing your Army Ranger Sweater," Mouse said
"Yes she is," Jay said
"What my sweater was dirty," I said
"And," Jay said
"It smells like you," I said
"Aw," Kim said
"Okay enough," Jay said
"Thank you," Hank said
"Save the cuteness for the apartment," Adam said
I grabbed Jay's hand pulled toward a room
"Brealynn what's wrong," Jay asked
"Jay I just I don't how deal with this have seen people die in front of me. Why is this so hard," I said
"Buttercup because he was your dad," he said
"Jay when do ask me to marry please ask Boden and my brother," I said
"Anything for you Beautiful," he said
"I love you," I said
"I love you too, go home and get some sleep for me okay," he said
"Yeah," I said
"Good need my partner in one piece," he said
"I need you in one piece too," I said
"I will come back to you as long as you come back to me," he said
"Always," I said
He walked me down to my truck
"Jay im putting my phone on airplane mode," I said
"Text me when you get back to the apartment," he said
"I will," I said
I drove back to the apartmentonce I got there I messaged Jay before heading up to our apartment, once I got up there I locked the door and head to our bedroom changing in sweat pants and falling asleep on top of the covers of our bed, I woke up to our bedroom door opening
"Jay," I said groggy
"Babe go to sleep," he said
Go up and hugged him
"I'm going to go get ready for bed," he said
I nodded my head and went back to the bed and getting under the covers, after awhile I felt the bed dip. Jay pulled me into his chest kissing my forehead before we both fell asleep.

6 days later it was time for the funeral, I was getting ready when Jay walked into the bathroom to see how I was
"Hey," he said
"Hi," I quietly
I finished getting ready for the funeral

After the funeral me and Jay went back to the apartment and cuddled eachother

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