Chapter 16

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1 year later
"Clear," Brealynn said
"Clear," Jay said
Brealynn saw someone and went after them with Jay behind her,
"Chicago PD," Brealynn yelled
Brealynn was quick and kept chasing the guy until he pulled gun
"Put the gun down," Brealynn yelled
The guy didn't listen and shot at Brealynn missing her
"Shots fired at the police," Brealynn said
"Severide," Jay yelled
"I'm okay," She said
They all went back to the district and talked
"Brealynn what happened out there," Jay asked
"I don't know I froze," She said
"You never freeze," he said
"I couldn't, Jay he has a family," She said
"Thats never stopped you," He said
"Jay I don't know," She said
"Hey have been feeling okay," he asked
"Yeah," She said
"Are you sure," he asked
"Yeah Jay," She said
"Would if something was up right," He asked
"Yeah I would," I said
They got out of the truck and went upstairs
"Severide what happened out there," Voight asked
"I hm," I said
"She didn't have a good shot," Jay said
"And you," Voight asked
"Didn't have one either," He said
"Well get back to work," Voight said
Brealynn went to her desk and started working to find the guy, Jay was noticing some changes in Brealynn over a few weeks. Brealynn left the room with her phone. Once Brealynn was in private she called Stella
"Hey," Stella said
"I think I'm pregnant," Brealynn said
"What," Stella said
"I think I'm pregnant," I said
"I heard you," Stella said
"I do t want to get Jay's hope's up again," I said
"Again," Stella said
"We've been trying for about four months now and every test is negative," I said
"Okay we have 24 hours tomorrow I'll come over," She said
"Okay I will get it so if it is positive, I can suprise Jay when he gets home," I said
"Got it," Stella said
They hung and texted though the day
"Voight," Brealynn said
"Yeah," he said
"Hm can I talk to alone," She said
Brealynn and Voight went into his office and talked
"I need personal time tomorrow," I said
"Yeah if you need it," He said
The next Brealynn stayed home and waited for Stella to come. Once she was there Brealynn took the test and set a timer, after the timer went off They both went into to Brealynn and Jay's bathroom
"Stella I can't" I said
"You can do it," Stella said
Brealynn flipped over the test and they all showed 2 pink lines
"Oh my God," I said
"Your pregnant," Stella said
"I'm a mom," I said
Stella hugged me. Stella helped Brealynn setup to to Jay even helping make food and she left
"Baby," Jay yelled coming into the apartment
"In the Kitchen," Brealynn yelled
"How was your day," he asked
"It was good hung out with Stella most of the day," I said
"Really," he said
"Yeah," I said
Jay look over at the table and saw a bored on it

 Stella helped Brealynn setup to to Jay even helping make food and she left "Baby," Jay yelled coming into the apartment "In the Kitchen," Brealynn yelled"How was your day," he asked"It was good hung out with Stella most of the day," I said"Really...

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"Whats that," Jay asked
"Look," I said
Jay walked over and read the bored
"Wait what," Jay said
"Your going to be dad," I said
Jay picked up Brealynn and spun her around
"Is this why you weren't at the district today," Jay asked
"Yeah," I said

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