Chapter 1

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It was my first day back in Chicago after being gone for 11 years 2 of those with the LAPD k9 unit, my brother had no idea I was back or that I was out before I came back after some stuff happened. I also applied for an opening at the 21st District. The back of my truck had my belongings which wasn't a lot I got rid of a lot of stuff before I joined the military, I pulled into the firehouse and got out of my truck, I saw my brother sitting talking to someone, ran up and hugged him from behind
"I know this hug anywhere," he said
He turned around and hugged me tight
"I missed you, sis," he said
"I missed you too," I said
"How long you here for," he asked
"Hm primitively," I said
"Wait for what," he said
"I'm back for good," I said
My phone started to ring
"Hold on Kelly," I said
I answered my phone
"Hello is this Braelynn Severide," Someone said
"Yes," I said
"This is Hank Voight at the 21st I saw your application," he said
"You did," I said
"Well I reviewed it and we can do the paperwork," he said
After that we hung up I looked at my brother
"Kelly one more thing do you have a room I can stay in," I asked
"All yours," he said
"Second can I take your car," I asked
He tossed me his keys
"Thanks," I said before I tossed him mine
I grabbed my bag from my truck and walked to his car putting my bag in the trunk of his car before driving off and heading to the 21st District. Once I got there I grabbed my bag and walked to the front desk
"Hm hi I'm looking for Hank Voight," I said
"Trudy I'll take her up," Someone said
"Okay Halstead," Trudy said
The guy took me upstairs
"What did you do in the Military," he asked
"Medic," I said
"Nice," he said
"What did you do before this," I asked
"Army Ranger," he said
"Nice," I said
We got to the top of the stairs and he walked me over to Voights office
"Come in," Voight said
I walked into his office and sat down
"I pulled your file from LAPD, nice record you on your way to detective, before joining the military," He said
"Yeah, I was... I have my certification," I said
"I know welcome to the unit," he said
"Wait for what," I said
"I talked to your Sargent at LAPD. He said you promising, and hard-working welcome to intelligence,"  he said
He handed me my gun and badge
"Thank you," I said
"Let's go meet the team and your new partner," he said
We walked out of his office
"Everyone this Braelynn Severide our new detective and Jay's new partner," he said
"Hey," I said
"Jay show her the locker room," he said
"This way," Jay said
I followed Jay to the locker room were showed me an empty locker
"Thanks," I said
"Yeah no problem," he said
"Here's my number if you need anything," he said
"Thanks," I said
"You call me at any time," he said
"Cool," I said
We walked back upstairs
"We have a case, let's go," Voight said
The whole way to the crime scene Jay talked about our lives
"Danm Brae," he said
"I know," I said
We got to the crime scene and got out of the truck, We walked over to the body and instantaneously stepped back
"Guys I've seen this before overseas who found the body," I said
"I did," Someone said
"Okay can you tell me anything," I said
"No I can't," she said
"Okay hey it's okay," I said
"Do you know him," I asked
"No," She said
I walked back over to the unit
"She knows something," I said
"How do you know," Jay said
"I was NCIS agent for 6 months," I said
"You learn how to read people," I said
A few days later we were wrapping up the case and catching the suspect. The suspect got the jump on me and tackled me to the ground I was able to disarm him and handcuff him
"Damn Severide," Adam said
I handed the guy off to patrol before meeting up with the team
"Good work today guys," Voight said
We all went to Molly's after we finished paperwork, but I left early to finish unpacking and to put together my bed at Kelly's apartment, once was done I grabbed something to eat and went back to my room going to bed

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