Chapter 14

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I couldn't think of anything for the wedding chapter so this after the wedding by a few months. Everything was going after the wedding until Jay got a little to over protective on the Job at home he was amazing but at work it wasn't working
"Jay I can't do my job with you babying me," I said
"Really," Jay said
"Yes Jay I love but I can't be your partner anymore," I said
"So that it's," He said
"Jay I can't do my job," I said
I grabbed my bag and went my brothers apartment leaving Jay home alone. I used my key to get into the apartment
"Hey," I said
"Sis," Kelly said
"Yeah," I said
"Why aren't you home," Stella asked
"Hm me and Jay had a fight," I said
"I am going to kill him," Kelly said
"You can't kill a cop," I said
I called Voight to ask him to switch my partner and he did the next day
"Okay guys there's a few a changes to the team," Voight said
"What," Jay said
"Kim your with Jay and Adam your with Brealynn," He said
"What," Jay said
"It's just change in the team," Adam said
"Yeah but come on," Jay said
After awhile they got a drug bust but it didn't go as planned. Gun shot where heard through the house coming from the back
"Officer down," Kevin yelled
Kim ran to the back of the house. She saw Brealynn on the around holding the wound
"We need an ambo to our location," Kim said
Jay had no idea it was Brealynn until he went to the back of the house. At med Brealynn was taken straight to surgery after her X-ray. Jay walked out of Med pissed at himself
"Jay," Kelly yelled
"Kelly don't anything stupid," Matt said
"Jay how could you," Kelly said
"Do what," Jay said
"My little sister is in surgery right now, because of you," he said
"Because of I'm not her partner anymore," Jay said
"Yeah I know she switched partner because you were to overprotective, and she hated it, she hates people being over protective," Kelly said
"You think I don't know that Kelly," Jay said
"If she dies, I blame you," Kelly said
"Yeah blame me because I'll blame me to," Jay said
Kelly walked way from Jay and went back to 51. Jay walked to truck and looked at the poloiord of them at the lake from there first date. Jay walked back in to med. Will smiled at him, Jay didn't smile back at his brother like normal which prompted Will to grab his brother and walk him to the break room of med.
"Jay what the hell," Will said
"What," Jay said
"Your wife is surgery right and you have that military face of this isn't bothering me Jay," Will said
"It is Will we had a fight before this and I might not be able to say I'm sorry. I saw the wound Will she has 50/50 chance and if she does, she might not walk," Jay said
After that Jay went back with Intelligence playing with his wedding ring Jay was stressing out about the fight. After 3 hours Crockett came
"Surgery went well the bullet missed her lung and spine by inches she's going to be okay," he said
Jay walked out after that followed by Voight
"Halstead," Voight said
"What," Jay said
"Your wife is that building your out here, Jay if this fight doesn't get figured out one of you is transferring, and I'm not about to lose either one of my best people. Now do whatever you need to cool down," Voight said
Jay walked to his truck and broke down crying after and hour Jay went back inside med. After Jay walked back in to med, Will took him back to Brealynn's room, Jay sat down in a chair and Grabbed Brealynn's hand
"Hey baby I'm sorry about the fight," Jay said
3 hours later
Brealynn felt Jay's wedding band
"You done being over protective," She asked
"Yeah baby I'm sorry," He said
"I love you Jay," She said
"I love you more baby," he said
"Wheres my rings," She asked
"I don't know who had them I was," Jay said
"Jay," She said
"Baby I was scared I was going to lose you," he said
After awhile Will came in
"How my favorite Sister," Will asked
"Will I am your only sister," Brealynn said
"True," Will said
"Crockett gave me your rings seeing has he couldn't find Jay," Will said
"Thanks for keeping them safe," Jay said
"What are little brothers for," Will asked
"Not saying," Jay said
"I know what little siblings are for," Kelly said
"Yes because mom and dad said one wasn't enough let's have another," I said
"And you came long," Kelly said
"But did I ruin your life," She asked
"Hm yes," Kelly said
"No I made it better," She said
"Well since your okay, I don't have to kill Jay yet," Kelly said
"Why would you kill him," Will asked
Then Will realized
"Oh," Will said
"Hey can talk to my wife," Jay asked
"Yeah," Will and Kelly said
They both left the room
"Jay what do want to talk about," I asked
"I found the box," he said
"Jay I never took it after I bought it, I wanted just in case one morning if think I am I can," I said
"Brealynn why didn't you tell me," he asked
"Because Jay I don't know, but next time tell me Jay if think something up with me I will never hide anything from you," I said
"I know I just thought. Oh maybe it a suprise but then this turned into a couple of months and I didn't want to ask you," He said
"Jay when I do take it. It will be a surprise with love and help from Stella," I said
"I love you," he said
"I you you more," I said
After a couple days brealynn was out of hospital. Jay helped Brealynn into there apartment from the truck
"Hey what can I get you," Jay asked
"Jay my blacket from the bedroom," Brealynn said
"Yeah baby," Jay said kissing her
"Thanks," She said
Jay came back with Brealynn's blanket
"Thanks," She said
"You want to cuddle," Jay asked
"Yeah," Brealynn said
Jay sat down on the couch with Brealynn
"Hey Jay," Brealynn said
"Yeah baby," He said
"Do you want kids," She asked
"With you yes," he said
After awhile Brealynn fell asleep on Jay's shoulder. Jay smiled down at his wife who sleeping. After awhile Brealynn started whimpering
"Brealynn it okay I'm here," Jay said
Brealynn woke up and grabbed Jay tight
"Hey babe it's okay, your okay," Jay said
"Jay it was real," She said
"I know babe I know," He said
Jay rubbed Brealynn's back
"Jay thank you," She said
"Baby I would take a bullet for you," he said

Well that was wild but this chapter story. But it is opening the door for talk of kids with them and planned

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