Chapter 38

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"I wonder ,where Pushkravathi is getting fund from ., majority of the people aren't rich and their trade and commerce is also not very extensive yet they are going to wage a full fledged battle against the combined powers of Kekaya and Udichya.. according to reports, their army and weaponry had also been recently upgraded.." Duryodhan raised his doubts as he viewed the village from the room, soldiers were doing the night patrolling and it was past midnight..

"The king is an old moron, wasting his time on women and wine and his army chief is a very ambitious man.." Banu spoke

"The classic combination.." Duryodhan smirked

They had been observing the village for hours now ,trying to find a clue. The village was the only entrance to the kingdom as it has a sea on one side and the other two enemy kingdoms on the other. 

"I think we should go out, there is no use sitting here.." Banu suggested and Duryodhan was half way into agreeing when they saw some movement in the street. 

Around five carts were moving , what made it suspicious was that no other vehicle or person was allowed after sunset.

"Is the commander back stabbing his king..??" Banu suspected

"There is a possibility ... Raja Harendra might be an old moron but he is a clever fox.." Duryodhan remarked

"First, we need to know where they are going to.." 

"And we have a way to find it out.." Banu said with glee in her eyes

She took out a tiny bottle and opened it but nothing came out or that was what Duryodhan thought but he was proven wrong when Wobbles, Banu's dear pet owl flew down and sat on the table.

"Hey chap, good to see you.., here to help us..??" Duryodhan greeted him and he responded by holding up his left wing but when he saw Banu , he immediately flew to her shoulder and rubbed his beak on her cheek , his chest was puffed up indicating happiness in being with her.

"Wobble - obble please find where they are going.." Banu requested after pampering him for sometime and like an obedient soldier set on a mission , he flew out..


Next Day Evening..

Banu's Rooh and Duryodhan's Chethak was speeding through the woods that lined the kingdom of Pushkravathi.. They had concluded that the carts they spotted belongs to bandits and the king might be supporting them and in turn receiving fund.

"The robber's camp.." Banu exclaimed , at a distance in front of them were some tents , the place was isolated and away from the settlement.  

"You are excited..." Duryodhan commented seeing a thrilled Banu..

"Yes , why not.., I have seen celebrations at palaces, temples and other places but this is the first time, I'm going to see how the bandits celebrate.. if its good enough, I'll be here again" she replied , eyes fixed at the distant lights..

"Are you really a princess raised by a royal family..." Duryodhan enquired .. she just shrugged it off..

After some time..

A man is tied on a chair with blood dripping from his mouth, he is too tired to even look up..

"I have confessed everything.. Please leave me now.." he begged

"Not so soon.. you have things to do.." Duryodhan replied

"We want to meet the king with you today.." Banu ordered

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