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Hello Gems,

Hope you are doing great in everything you attempt..

If not , don't worry , life is all about these hustles and bustles..

You fall, you rise , you fall again and the process continues

Sometime people enter with  pomp and exit without a word..

Best friends become strangers and strangers become companions..

The people who once promised to fight the world for you may become the first ones to pick up the swords against you .

You'll find yourself fighting the demons you never imagined you will..

You'll have all the reasons to cry the whole night and you may do it..


At the end, you'll know everything was how it should have been..

They were added to create the perfect story for you.. 

Some people were removed because God heard the conversations when you were away 


 To make room for the ones who'll always be happy to occupy it..

You'll find that not every promise is broken..

When you finally receive what you deserve, 

The hard earned reward for your toil, not everyone deserves to be with you to share the happiness.. 

Trust me, God is experienced and wise enough to know where to put whom .


Don't be ashamed of your scars , external or internal, only warriors are adorned by them..

They are the medals of your bravery..,

They speak of your courage ..,

Sings of your willpower and determination..,

Shout of your strong spirit which can't be broken 


Don't confuse your self respect with ego..

Ego is the inner voice that asks you not to call back that one person who is about to leave.. 

While self respect ask you not to beg the person who left..


One day you'll finally know you are self sufficient when,

Your feet is on earth,

Eyes are on stars 

Fire is in your veins

And your arms are long enough to reach your dreams..


The cord stuck me suddenly and I had to pen it down

Thank you..

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