.。.:*♡ 008

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♡ ✎ ➢

Liked by Kuroko_11, Momoi_Satsuki_ and 10,460 others
Copycat_ I woke up at 5:35 AM to my sister waking me up, I asked her why she woke me up early and she says, I quote, "don't want onii-chan to leave house without Wyoko (Ryoko) goin' wit!"

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Momoi_Satsuki_ @Copycat_ Ryochan looks so cute!
Copycat_ Tantyu Moi-cha!
Momoi_Satsuki Imy very much~♥

Akashi_Seijuro Ryoko, what do you want to have I'll have it delivered?
Momoi_Satsuki (╬⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾)
_Nanodayo As expected, he does have favouritism.
PurpleGiant Akacchi no fair
Copycat_ Strawberry pocky! -RyokobutIwastheonewhotype

_Nanodayo Tell ryoko to bring a hairclip with her because that's what the horoscope says today.
Copycat_ Will do Midorimacchi!

KiseryoutaOfficial OMG! Kise-kun your sister's so cute!
Copycat_ Thank you-ssu (≧▽≦)
Kise'sWife Kyaa!!! Kise-kun please notice me!
RyoutaForever No, notice me more Kise-kun!!! (●♡∀♡)

RYOKO NUDGE HER brother, albeit angsty to and excited to go to a school where her brother is currently in. Kise chuckle giving her his hand to hold as they walk side by side to the walking journey through Kaijo High.

"Now, Ryokocchi be good while we're inside Onii-chan's class. Alright?" Kise asked nicely to Ryoko.

He knew that the little girl wasn't the one to make others worry and always listens to the ones older than her. But just to be sure that she will listen to him Ryoko gave a nod in approval while looking at her brother through her peripheral vision.

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