.。.:*♡ 021

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[ Meanwhile at Kaijo Locker room ]

When Ryouta got dressed in his Jersey, he quickly got out since his sister was outside and he didn't want the player who babysat her to wait any longer.

Thanking the player who seems to be in distress, Ryouta shrugging it off as nerves before games since he still had does on some games he truly considered serious.

"Say where's Ryoko?" He asked the player, who will be named as Alex a Japanese–Filipino male standing at 6'2 and a substitute point guard for the team with a jersey numbered 14.

He had been playing basketball for fun since he was six years old but was officially on a team ever since second year of middle school where he was encouraged by his Filipino father who played basketball for PVL back in his days. He played with the 2nd years on their first year but later got the position as substitute ever since first years and Ryouta entered school, he wasn't bothered by it because he only played the sport just so he can have fun.

(A/N: I'm naming some players in most teams since I'm lazy researching their team members and bcs my dad won't pay my data network.)

"I-I don't know, one second she was just by me and the next—!"

Ryouta stared at the male blankly, until it finally registered in his brain that his sister may have possibly been missing, or worse kidnapped, enslaved! *snow white doing the whistle thingy in wretched it Ralph*

Ok not the point to be joking around, but in my case I'm going to school 1 week after the first day since covid decided to be a bitch and made us positive by the nearing days of Aug, 22nd.

Going on with the story...

"Ryoko! RYOKO MY BEAUTIFUL BABY WHERE ARE YOU?!!" Running through the hallways, like a headless chicken being chased by dogs. People stare at the handsome male who looks like he's on the verge of insanity.

Poor Kise Ryouta, his life shorten everytime our dear protagonist went missing, and maybe by the time he is in college he'll continue to fret over the girl and will possibly have grey hairs by then from surprises he has received from Ryoko.

"Nee-chan, isn't that the guy who mistaken me with his sister?"

"...I don't know him"

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"You're saying this little pipsqueak's that blondie from Kaijo?!!"

"Yes, isn't she cute?" ( ◜‿◝ )♡

The team looked at the blonde toddler who continues to glare at them with  disgust still plastered on her face as she wraps her little arms around Momoi's neck.

'Don't get your stinky, sweaty and high on testosterone bodies near me peasants, or I will have no choice but to use dominance.' they could almost hear her saying by just her stare.

They do agree with their manager even though the kid has a frown on it was still cute in their eyes.

"Should we..?" Someone on the team decided to break the silence after the revelation.

"Should we what?"

"I mean, she's an enemy's blood relative shouldn't we give her back to to him since he might get worried?"

Momoi rolled her eyes, looking down at the adorable Ryoko in her arms while the little one's arms are around her neck looking (and frowning) at her managing team.

"I'm sure Ryo-kun would live and even be happily celebrating if he knew that I would be the one babysitting her for today," She glanced up at her team smiling, "So I guess it's fine, right Ryo-chan?"

"En! Moi-chan, Ryo-chan today!"



Critical Hit -45%HP



The Tōō team continue to watch Momoi and the little Kise as hearts and flowers surrounds them both as they smiled and talk to each other.

Meanwhile, the man in question who was said to live and happily celebrate his own sister missing, was a mess right now and currently searching the whole stadium for his own sister.

"RYOKO? Ryoko are you here?!" lifts a table cloth.

"maybe here—" SLAP!


—On the Tōō team side.

Almost all of them glance in envy as they saw Momoi's boobies shake as she hugs the child but a glare freezes them in place when they saw Ryoko looks at them.

'I'll dig your eyes out for looking at Moi-chan that way!' they shivered in fright at the silent danger hung upon them.


Suddenly, their locker room was barged open by a strong force making a loud noise and causing them to flinch.


"Hai~?" Flinching she turned around since her back was faced to the door.

A small face was seen peeking out after she saw her pinknette friend's attention was stolen.





"Arf." and Aki, the newly appointed babysitter! Which you all forgot again by the way.


Okay so there's news, and it's bad news and good news for all of you.

The bad news first, there's 8-10 chapters left before this story ends, and I'm not ready to let go of my favorite sassy and cute Ryoko (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠).

But anyways, for the good news is that after months that I have not been updating and because of the writer's block and not inspired enough to write I sought out some inspiration around Wattpad, POV's and then I decided to write the key notes a moment ago when I thought about trying to write again.

And that's where 8-10 chapters leaded to. Not sure IF I'm going to include Ryoko growing up and you guys having a glimps of her growing up.

So I hope you enjoy the chapter and thank you for those who still reads this after months of not being updated.

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