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The said spiky haired male looked up and was surprised to see the mini Kise whom caused commotion to the gym. Of course he also wouldn't forget that she was hugging him while crying loudly.

"HELL- WH-T ARE YO- D-ING H-RE?!" he of course gave the same enthusiasm to the point where he talked fast and to the child that made her look at him in confusion.

Kobori Koji, the male who was just brush off a while ago by Ryoko butted in just wanting the little child's attention to go to him.

"I'm sorry about him he said-"

Again he was brushed off. Pray for his heart, he was just trying to help.

"Go with Onii-chan!" Ryoko explain and made the said male magically appear beside Kasamatsu.

"Ah Ryokocchi here's your lunch."

As Kise seated to the other beside of Kasamatsu, he was about to take her from his captain when the male was meet with a harsh glare.

"A-ah hehe, Kasamatsucch-senpai I'm sure you need to eat so give her to me."

The captain growled at him. Yes, growled. Even though he had just meet Ryoko a couple days ago he had been overprotective of her like an older brother could. So instead of giving Ryoko to Ryouta, he proceeded to eat his lunch so he could bond with the little blond without anything in the way. If he didn't knew any better he'd believe it in a second that Ryoko had him right before her little fingers.

Just like the rest of Ryouta's friends, classmates, fellow students, teachers, and right now maybe the whole basketball team with the exception of their coach are also wrapped around Ryoko's little finger.

But like fate was playing tricks on him. Hayakawa was the first to finish his lunch and was now the currently holding Ryoko on his lap.

The little girl was processing what happen until she look up to who's lap she was currently sitting on. There she first saw was Hayakawa's bushy eyebrows that she thinks was looking quite funny.

So the curious child she was decided to stand up on the male's lap, with his help of course, facing him and held his cheeks as she looks at his bushy brows with wonder.

The current male was confuse on what she had saw that made her eyes twinkle while the rest of the team was holding in their laughs, some cough out their laughs.

"Haya-nii bwarws wayk Kagacchu!" The child declare making Ryouta, who now understands Ryoko's tounge twisted words after a few months of babysitting her, choke in his food.

While the team though did not understand her.


"Oi, Kise what did she say?" Moriyama asked wanting to know what the child said.

"Eat carefully dumbass." Kasamatsu remarked while he gave Kise his bottle of water that was eagerly gulped down even before Kasamatsu says anything.




"Did Kise knew that that's captain's bottle he just drank from?" Moriyama whispered which made Ryoko and Hayakawa look at him in confusion. "that's an indirect kiss."

"Onii-chan!" Giggled a pointing Ryoko at Kise.

"Yes Ryokocchi?" Ryota asked after his coughing fit was over.

"undiwect kith!" Ryoko pointed out.

Again another coughing fit was given to Ryouta and a deep red blush from Kasamatsu which made the team know that he's angry but in reality he's just blushing...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

. . .

I'm sorry again for another short chapter. My mind's had currently blank out of ideas on what I'm gonna do at this point. I mean my brain knows what I will do in this story but when I did try to write something outta it my mind's always blank. So was my other book that's currently on going.

And if you guys have any ideas on helping me make scenes in this book I'm in for request I'm going to write so.. Yeah Comment right here or private message me here on wattpad.

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