.。.:*♡ 19.5

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[ continuation ]

"She looked fat and with short limbs too." He commented.

This made the sibling of the said baby, glare fiercely at the male.

"well excuse you, you just don't appreciate her beauty." He tutted as he fixed her sleeping position so she was sleeping on her back.

The girl grumbled for a bit at the new sleeping position but soon fell back asleep again.


After they ate dinner at the Kise household, they talked and watch the blond child for a while then decide that it's time for them to go home seeing as it was already nighttime and it was dangerous for teens their age to wander around Tokyo.

Aomine and Momoi separated from the rest to walk to their neighborhood, Momoi reminisce and talked about how cute the Copycat's baby sister was cute and made her want to pinch the baby's cheeks.

The over-confident ace, however, had one last thread of composure remaining after their visit, snapped all at once when he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Will you shut up already?!" Fumed the male as he scowled at his childhood friend.

Taken aback by his temper, Momoi didn't know what she did.

"Dai-chan, you should be more careful in talking to girls like that. No wonder you don't have a girlfriend lasting for a week." She reminded as she frowned at him. Albeit having to crain her neck upwards to look at the male's face.

"Tch, just shut up, you're speaking more fondly at a brat who only knows how to sh*t, eat, sleep, and cry."

"What's wrong with that if the one who does those things is a cute baby."

"That's the thing." He snapped and walked ahead, leaving the female to wonder if she did something wrong to make him mad.

"but I only talk about Ryoko." She scoffed, pouting with her arms cross infront of her.

"Whatever, it's not like Dai-chan would hate her." She told herself as she ran after the male.

But still, she couldn't help but feel a lingering doubt inside her heart as she thought about it.

A three days passed by, and since the day they discovered the little child.

They started to adore her more and more and would visit her after their practice for the last three days, much to Aomine's disappointment and dislike, and right now they were packing their things up after a long day of practicing.

As they were at the gates, Ryouta received an unexpected call from his manager.

"Hai? I thought that was for tomorrow... Why did you? You said that last month!? Ne, hmm.. hai."

From the tone of Ryouta's voice and his expression made the team worry if something happened.

"Kise-kun, are you alright?" Kuroko asked as he looked.

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