.。.:*♡ 009

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"ALRIGHT, CLASS MAY I get your attentions please?" Their advisor says which worked.

She beacons Ryoko whom was sitting on Kise's lap, the child at first was confuse but when her brother clarify what the teacher said Ryoko brighten up and walk to her.

"This is Kise's little sister. She'll be with us and is approved by our beloved principal." She started and ushered Ryoko to introduce herself.

Ryoko looked up at the teenagers infront of her and looked for her brother's face to see him smiling at her in encouragement.

She nods her head, to which the class swooned.

"Kise Wyoko I'm awge..." Ryoko trailed off and looked at Ryouta for help. He held up a peace sign so she copied him. "I just Awge tweuh!"

Teacher.exe has stopped working.

Classmates.exe has stopped working.

Kise Ryouta has stopped working.

(Author has stopped working. jkjk)

Cuteness overload:

Teacher -450/500HP
Classmates -230/500HP
Kise Ryouta -10/500HP


[ T I M E S K I P ]

The lunch bell was all was heard in the school ground and the first thing that made Kise's classmates did was crowd the back of the classroom where a playing Ryoko was quietly chatting with her bunny.

"She's so cute!"

"I also want a sister like her~"

"When she's at the right age of being wedded Imma go to Kise's house and ask for her hand in marriage~~"

"Dude you're older than her have some dignity."


"A little girl like her can't have an ugly ass like yours."

"Kyaah~ I think I'm having a Ryoko sickness."

"You saying she's a germ?"

"No! I'm saying her cuteness is so contagious!"

Kise huffs at the commotion that his fellow classmates were doing. He excused himself as he walk through the crowd of students and to Ryoko who's looking around for him.


Perking up Ryoko glances at where she heard her brother's voice and sure enough he's there crouching down with open arms. Lips tugging up ever so slightly she hurriedly walk to her brother.

"Onii-chan hangwey.." She says as she crashes to his warm embrace making the older male chuckle.

Fangirls and fanboys (of ryoko) swooned and blushed at the cute interaction, albeit jealous that they aren't the one being hugged.

"Alright let's go buy something at the cafeteria." Kise says and excused himself and ryoko through, they parted like the red sea and watch every single move Kise does making the male sweatdrop.

"Bye.." Ryoko waves as they exit the classroom.

Those who heard fainted of cuteness.

As they walk through the hallways of Kaijo every students eyes were on both Kise siblings. Not that they mind or anything it's just they git used to it well not Ryoko but she's busy looking around the place to even notice the gazes that was on her and her brother.

When they got to the cafeteria, the younger Kise's gaze was now looking for her brother's teammates and her eyesight did not disappoint because seconds later her gaze meet with Kasamatsu's dark ones.

She shreak in a fits of giggles before jumping out of her brother's hold, to which made his heart fall to his stomach but luckily enough the girl's landing wasn't so high up just a couple inches or so.

"Ryokocchi!" Kise yelled but it was already late as she ran to his team's table.

Oh well, Kise trusted them enough to take care of Ryoko so he got in line so he can buy his sister, her lunch.

Once she was in Kaijo basketball's table she started to jump up and look for a particular captain who's jokingly hiding from her which made her gain again in a fit of giggle.

Sure enough Kasamatsu was unofficially stated to be Ryoko's favorite. Second to Kise, of course.

"Matsu-nii!" the girl pouted looking at the male causing the latter to chuckle.

He lifted her up and positioned him to his lap so she can have a better view on the people who's in the table.

He lifted her up and positioned him to his lap so she can have a better view on the people who's in the table

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"Oh cutie~"

Hearing a voice beside her, Ryoko looked up at who it was and was meet by a smirking male.

She blinked and looked infront of her seeing Hayakawa.

She smiled brightly bouncing onto Kasamatsu's lap and pointing at him.


Kasamatsu looked up at where she's pointing and sure enough it's their loud teammate. "That's Hayakawa, you wanna say hi?"


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