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Was the first thing Ryouta was told when he came out of the locker room. Panicking, of course, he ran around calling out for Ryoko as he looked around the gym even going all out and look up at the balcony where spectators watch.

But to no avail, Ryoko was no where to be found.

He was about to have a full panic attack when he got a call from Akashi, saying he has 'borrowed' his sister for the day wanting to get along with her again as the male was busy most of the time. Ryouta wasn't fine with the news delivered to him, but what could he do?

That's Akashi we're talking about. Who in their right mind says no to him and gets away with it? No one, well except the cutie named Kise Ryoko. That's all he approves of that will say no and defy him without any complaints.

"Hey Kise where's your sister?" Kasamatsu asked as he saw the male looked like his favorite food was stolen from him.

"She's with Akacchi." Came Ryouta's reply as he was lifelessly looking down on the floor. (Just like the one where Yamaguchi says that Kageyama wasn't breathing)


"Sei-nii-chan!" Shouted Ryoko with excitement as she grasp

"What do you like to eat my little Empress?"

You might be wondering why isn't Ryoko having a panic attack even if she wasn't with her brother, well let me explain this simply. Other than Ryouta, she trust the rest of the Generation of Miracles to keep her safe so that's why she wasn't panicking and the other reason is because she had grown up with them by her side ever since an infant. And you might also ask where they were in Kyoto? Well, they are currently walking to the mall as per Akashi's request to treat his beloved little Empress her treats as promised in the Instagram post a while ago.

Ryoko looked around to see if anything caught her interest. There was plenty of shops that would really pique a normal child's interest. But you might be forgetting something that Ryoko wasn't every ordinary child. She's smarter than children her age seeing as she's always home alone with their neighbor Aoi babysitting her ever since she was five months old. And sometimes Aoi would read her books that wasn't appropriate for her age because at that was the first time Aoi had babysit a child so what did she do? She read her one of the books that's lying down on the coffee table, what genre you may ask? A historical book where it explains where and when things were made.

After three months of babysitting Ryoko, Mrs. Kise found out about it and told Aoi that that wasn't appropriate for a child seeing as she couldn't understand it so she gave Aoi books that consists of bedtime stories most children's fantasy growing up. But after Aoi read the first book Ryoko would always cry when she was read those, so Aoi not knowing what to do read her some older age appropriate books.

So where was I again? Ah yes.


After looking around for something to waste time about. Ryoko saw something that she wanted to go for a long time now. A pet shop.

"Sei-nii-chan.." Ryoko says as she tug Akashi's pants.


"Pet swap." Came her cute reply as she pointed the direction of where the shop was.

"You want to go look for some animals?"

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