Chapter 2 Discussions

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Chapter 2


This day can be better than the First day.

This is the first time I will meet my teachers except for Mrs. Carrasco. I was already running late. I run quickly and reached the classroom in a matter of minutes. It was such a relief that the teacher isn’t there yet or I will be the first one to be in the list of late students.

Biology passed like a blur. We studied about the history of biology and were given a project----that is due on Monday---about the Seven Giants in Biology. A woman entered our classroom after my biology teacher left. I suppose she is Mrs. Rayna Cadiz, my teacher in English that is our next subject. She is dark haired woman with hair up to her neck. Her eyes were black—deep black.

She grouped us into five groups—I was placed as a member of group 5—and gave us an activity. It was all about the different ways of communicating with the use of technology. It wasn’t that hard so we finished the activity in matter of minutes. The other groups also finished early so we have to report this today. Cassandra and I were chosen by our leader, Mandy Quiroz, to report it.  I hope this would just be simple. We just have to explain our answers. Group 1 was the first one to report and it wasn’t as easy as I imagined it. She questioned everything that was written on the cartolina and they have to defend their answers. It wasn’t easy convincing her that it was right. In the end she just checked the answers she thinks right. The same thing happened to Group 2, 3 and 4. Group 4 has just finished defending their work and Mrs. Cadiz is now checking their answers.

I swallowed loudly as she approached us. I really hope that we wouldn’t get into too much argument. I don’t really like getting into arguments especially with teachers. We explained our answers. She just questioned a few of them and of course we defended it with the help of my other group members. She checked our cartolina and we got the highest score. Yes!

After she left our room murmurs about her began.

“I don’t like her. She’s so irritating! Hmmm!” Eliza said.

“It’s true that she’s so irritating. She doesn’t accept other answers.” Aya agreed.

This conversation was ended by the entering of Mrs. Mela Perez, my teacher in Geometry. She was my teacher last year in Elective Math so I know her well and she know us well, too. Just like Mrs. Carrasco her height is just average. She has a long black hair and her eyes were black.

Today, she taught us about Lines, points and planes. She also said that a workbook will be given to us and it cost 190 pesos. She would be accepting payments up to next month. Well, it’s just okay. I can tell this to my parents next week and they will give me money for it. Before she left, she gave us an assignment about coplanar and collinear lines.

It was recess time. Our recess was just fifteen minutes so we have to hurry. Luckily my teacher in History, Mrs. Meckenzie Cervantes, wasn’t mad that we were late.

She started our hour with her by mentioning her rules in her class.

“I only have two rules. First, don’t use your cell phones in my class unless it is necessary. If I caught you using it I will confiscate your cell phone and you will have to get in the Guidance office with your parents. Second, don’t cheat,” she said it seriously that I instantly knew that she was not joking. I have to follow her rules so I wouldn’t get in trouble.

 “And I don’t mind you being late in my class only for a few minutes. I know that your recess is just short so I will give consideration,” she added.

She quickly jumped into our lesson---which is about the earth, latitude, longitude, prime meridian. Equator, International date line and many more--- and before we know it the hour with her was up. I really enjoyed her class.

Next subject is Research. This was the only subject that we have to introduce ourselves. Since we don’t have a lesson to study yet, Mrs. Camira Torres thought that we should spent her time introducing ourselves. The introduction started with Jela Avantes and it continued. What should I say? Maybe I should follow them. They are just saying their name and what they want to be when they grow up. But what is my ambition? Before I wanted to be a Doctor, now I have doubts. I thought about it for a little while and realized that I wanted to be a writer. I want to write stories, novels and scripts. I was the one to introduce myself next.

“I am Allie Salvante,” I said. A little embarrassed. “And I want to be a writer.”

“Are you good in writing?” Mrs. Torres tried to hide a laugh. “Your hand writing must be beautiful because you want to be a writer.” She laughed now.

I couldn’t say anything because I was too embarrassed.  I tried to bury my face with my hands. After the introduction was finished Mrs. Torres left and we waited for our next teacher which is Mr. Andrew Navidad.

He was fifteen minutes late. He introduced himself and said that he will not start his lesson today. Instead of introducing ourselves we just talked until the time was up.

It’s lunch time. I have a packed lunch and the side dish is my favorite, sinigang. I ate it and nothing was left. It was so delicious.

The afternoon came very fast. Our teacher in Filipino, Ms. Leanne Buenavites, came and taught us her lessons. Then our teacher in Algebra didn’t appear. And our last subject was Mapeh. But I doubt that I will be joining that class because I am a member of the Rondalla group—that is taught by Mr. Michael Zakrima-- and we are exempted from Mapeh.

That was my second day as a second year high school student. Time passed by quickly as I got used to this routine. I gained a new crush and I gained friends, or so I thought.

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