Chapter 1 Day 1

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School Diaries

Chapter 1

Day 1

"Co-Co- Ro- Co- Ro- Ok..."

It's the sign of early Dawn. The air that passes through me smells like early morning fresh air. And the sound of my mother's voice came.

"Allie, wake up"

Ah. It is the first day of school. I am now a Second Year student and in the top section, II- Crystal. It is like last year. I was so excited that I woke up at that first call, quickly took a bath, wore my school uniform, and brushed my teeth. Then I went to school.

It is still early so I don't have to run to my classroom. I am so curios. How would this first day turn out? Will I meet people who I'm not familiar with? And who are they?

I was so taken by this questions that I didn't realize that I was already in the doorstep of my new classroom. It is a very elegant classroom. But I feel there is something missing. Like the decorations that brightens up this classroom had been removed. Well I hope they will bring them back. I really like a classroom that is very lively. It seems to bring up my mood.

I entered my classroom and sat at an armchair. I still don't know where my seat is. I saw some faces that I recognized so quickly. My classmates last year, Matthew Altobar, Keesha Rea, Shaina Gallian, Lyka Dela Cruz, Eliza Layhi, Cassandra Vallda, Aya Dellia. My classmates when I was in grade 6 and some acquintances.

I reconciled with some of them and then stared at the window. Another question came into my mind. Who will be our new class officers? Will I be one of them? Oh... I wish I can be one of the officers.

"Good Morning Class," someone said.

I was startled by the sudden entering of my adviser, Mrs Mellisa Carrasco. She is an average size woman with curly hair and blue eyes. She is beautiful in her way.

"Everyone get out so I can arrange your seats, alphabetically. And I mean your permanent seats," she laughingly said.

I got up, went outside the classroom and to my spot in the line. I was in the front of Sheila Samonte.

"Hey, Allie!" Cassandra said as she was running towards me.

"Hello, Cassandra. How was your vacation?" I wasn't really curious about her vacation but it was a way to start up a conversation.

"It's very enjoyable. Help me, please. I don't know what to do. Let's sit together. Don't leave me."She said with pleading eyes.

"Sure." I was very sure that I can be near her because S isn't that far from V. But in the end I was wrong.

I ended up sitting at the 2nd chair from the middle and she was sitting behind me but in the 5th chair. It was frustrating that I wasn't near her. Our teacher gave us our schedule. She wrote:

Schedule of Classes

6:30-6:45 Values Mrs. Mellisa Carrasco

6:45-7:55 Biology Mrs. Mellisa Carrasco

7:55-8:30 English Mrs. Mrs. Rayna Cadiz

8:30-9:30 Geometry Ms. Mela Perez

9:30-9:45 Recess ---------------------------

9:45-10:45 History Mrs. Meckenzie Cervantes

10:45-11:30 Research I Mrs. Camira Torres

11:30-12:20 T.L.E. Mr. Andrew Navidad

12:20-1:00 Lunch --------------------

1:00- 1:50 Filipino Ms. Leanne Buenavites

1:50-2:30 Algebra Mr. Radley Conception

2:30-3:30 Mapeh Mrs. Lanie Pojas

I wrote it down in my Values notebook and listen to what my teacher will say next. She was about to say something when someone came.

"That's Mrs. Luz Abelia, the second year class adviser and Head of the History Department." I heard Shelia's seatmate, Elaine Tequilla, whisper it to her.

So she is the Second Year Class Adviser. Wonder what she is doing here. Oh well, It's none of my business. After a short talk, Mrs. Carrasco went inside the classroom and announced something.

"Okay class, there are going to be some changes. Six more pupils will be added to this section. This is due to the sudden increase in the enrollment this year. The school administration decided to increase the no. of students in Special Science Class."

I spoke too soon. It has something to about me, maybe not just me but the whole class. The students that were added were Mika Daika, Janisa Owen, Charles Mills, Shanelyn Sanarez, Haley Dwins and Marisa Dela Paz. Mika Daika was my classmate last year and Marisa Dela Paz when I was in grade 6.

Because of them I have to move to the Last row. While Cassandra, Elaine and Shanelyn or just Shanel (as she prefers it) don't have any seat so they have to sit in the sofa-like container of Brooms and Dustpans. We've elected the class officers. Edward Salas was elected as class president and Harry Ekila as the Vice President. Too bad I wasn't elected. I really want to be.

Time passed so quickly. It's half day today because this was just like an orientation day. Tomorrow will be the real thing.

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