Chapter 10 See you Next Year

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Chapter 10

See you Next Year

          As the saying goes, Time flies.

            We’ve practiced very hard for this day, the National Competition. As usual I am late again. I am the only one they’ve been waiting for. I’ve never been a very punctual student. We quickly rode in the van. I sat beside Ethan. Charles and Fleur sat behind us. We reached the school we’re supposed to stay in early so we have a lot of free time. The opening program and the Mr. and Ms. Music will be held tomorrow. The Dance Competition will be held on the day after tomorrow. I put up my bed and changed clothes. While I’m changing clothes I heard Mrs. Pojas came inside the room.

            “This is bad Mrs. Davis. Fleur is sick. I’ve already texted her parents and their on their way now to get her.”

            “What! But who’s going to be Charles’ partner?”

            “I don’t know.”

            “Why don’t you call the first runner up?” Mrs. Davis suggested.

            “That’s not possible. The first runner up is in Batangas. It’s already dark so she’ll have to travel tomorrow and by the time she gets here she will be in no state to compete. What are we going to do?”

            I was already finished changing into my pajamas so I went outside. I sat on my bed and started combing my hair.

            “Allie can be my partner,” Charles suggested.

            “What?” But neither Mrs. Davis nor Mrs. Pojas answered me.

            “Did you already register Fleur?”

            “No, how about Allie?” Mrs Pojas.

            “Yes, I’ve already registered her and Ethan in the Dance Competition. But she can join the two contests, right?”

            “Yes, I’ll go and register them.” Hope begins to surface in Mrs. Pojas’s face.

            “Wait. I can’t do it. What about my dress and the talent portion? And I don’t have any practice on this.”

            “You can us Fleur’s dresses and we will teach you. As for the talent portion—“Mrs. Davis said.

            Ethan cut him off. “I’ll dance with her.”

            “Ok, then it’s settled. Go and register them Mrs. Pojas.” She smiled.

            The next day, we practiced in the morning. Then got prepared in the afternoon and went to the contest proper when the night has fallen.

            “You look pretty. No, you look beautiful,” Ethan said before Charles and I  went on the stage.

            “Thanks,” I said. The contest went smoothly. I didn’t make any mistakes and we made it to the top 5. When the contest was finished the announcers announced the winners.

            “The 4th runner up is Ms. Michele Sandoval and Mr. Marcus Villamor.” The judges presented them their awards. “The 3rd runners up are Ms. Clara Montebal and Mr. Manny Arevalo.  The 2nd runners up are Ms. Shara Clemente and Mr. Juluis Basil. The title Mr. Dance goes to Mr. John Villante and the title Ms. Dance goes to Ms. Sera Nami. We have a surprise for this year’s competitions. The winners of these competitions will participate in the First International Music Festival. And our Mr. Music is Charles Mills.”

            Yes! He won. He’s going to the International level. “Congrats,” I whispered.

            “Thanks,” he whispered back.

            “And our Ms. Music is Ms. Allie Salvante,” the announcer said.

            I won. I can’t believe it. Yes! The contest ended and we celebrated.

            This must be the happiest week of my life. The next day we also won First Place on the Dance Competition. I am going to participate on the Mr. and Ms. Music and the Dance Competition. Yes!

            I may have experienced sadness and pain but I also felt happiness and love. I hope that the next year will be as interesting as this one.

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