Chapter 12

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Yesterday is the day that I agreed to Kai's proposal, I continue wondering if I made the right decision?

Today I and Kai agreed that we are going to tell my father about our decision. We also need to inform Alpha about it since our marriage is going to be a diplomatic move that will bring werewolves and sirens closer.

I also need to tell my mother about this. I looked at the phone and contemplated how what text message I should send her.

'Hey mom, can you book a route for me to the Mediterranean Kingdom? :) I'm planning to leave the day after tomorrow. Love you, mom.'

I decided to tell her in person.

Then I received another message but this time it's from Kai.

'I'll be arriving at the packhouse soon. I hope you are prepared.'

I've been mentally preparing for the whole morning.

In the morning I've showered and chosen something decent and comfortable to wear since I was lazy to iron my clothes. Also, yesterday I have drunk too much champagne so I've been feeling headaches.

The good thing is that Damien is very busy at the moment and he wouldn't be roaming in the packhouse until late evening.

I looked in the mirror before going to the foyer and greet Kai before going to my father's office.

I wore a maroon cashmere sweater and a light brown skirt that is covering my knees. Before heading out I decided to wear a matching headband.

Then I was more satisfied with my outfit choice and headed to the foyer.

When I arrived at the pack's house foyer Kai has also arrived at the packhouse. I simply gave him a welcoming smile. I didn't know if I should hug him or what since I've never experienced this. I hope our marriage wouldn't be this awkward.

"You seem to be more nervous than I'm currently am." Kai commented. Sirens are very good at sensing other people's emotions than werewolves.

"Really? I guess I am." I awkwardly laughed at the end of the sentence. Kai simply smiled and took my hand to reassure me.

"Don't worry, the sooner we tell your father the better it will be." He assured me. I smiled while I tried to stop myself from blushing.

I'm not used to this kind of affection.

"Alright, then we should probably go now." I tell him and I lead him to my father's office in the packhouse.

And for some reason, I was still holding his hand and my mind was focusing on this while I was taking to the office while distracting from the thought of how my father would react to this news.

Then I finally let go of his hand when I was about to knock.

I knocked three times and then I checked if my father is busy.

"Father, are you busy? Oh Alpha Frank I didn't know you were there." It's appeared that Alpha Frank. If I announce the news in front of the Alpha then it would be easier to deal with the firing and leaving the pack.

"Not at the moment. Is there something you wanted to talk about, Evelyn?" My dad asked me and Alpha Frank just calmly looked at me with curiosity. I felt a little guilty since our relationship has gotten better and I'm just going to leave him like that.

"I guess it's better to tell you both of you." I then went into the office and I gestured to Kai to come in.

Alpha Frank and my father got confused that they forgot to properly greet Kai.

"So what did you both wanted to tell us?" Alpha Frank asked us. I wanted to explain to them but Prince Kai was ahead of me.

"We just wanted to tell you, that we are getting married." This wasn't the first sentence that I planned in my head to use it was very blunt for my liking. It's was too late to complain since we got right to the point.

Both my father and Alpha Frank stood silently.

I can't imagine what thoughts are racing through their mind.

"What about your soulmate? D-id-." My father wanted to bring it up but I interrupted him.

"He rejected me 4 years ago. Sorry that I didn't tell you about it, father." I told him and I started to feel more guilty that I never told him that Damien rejected me.

Back then I was too prideful that I've hidden my pain of getting rejected until I've come to terms with it. I even hid it from my mother so she would think that I'm doing fine with fitting in werewolf society.

Of course, there was another moment of silence, in which I started to feel the rush of sadness and I was about to feel tears in my eyes until Kai took my hand and started stroking with his thumb. I looked at him and he gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Well apart from that, with your both current status. The idea of marriage sounds a bit complicated right now." Alpha Frank pointed out.

Since I've been ranked 3rd its means that I'm expected to have a partner that is a high-ranked werewolf, not a siren, also being known as the person who ranked 3rd means that I've become famous within the werewolf circle. Me marrying a siren could cause some controversy.

"That is why today after tomorrow I will travel to the Mediterranean Kingdom and my family in there will help organize the wedding." I hope my step-grandmother wouldn't kill me by giving her such a burden, on the other hand, she wanted me to marry a noble siren.

And a noble siren I was going to give it to her, though I wasn't exactly planning on doing that.

"Then the only thing that is left is to deal with is the council. Which we would able to handle it for you." Alpha Frank concluded.

My father was still hesitant but he couldn't do anything about it since I'm old enough to make that kind of decision. By delegating making important decisions to my step-father's family, they could probably evaluate the prospects of our partnership and they will have an easier time communicating with the Naulorian royal family than my father and Alpha Frank.

On that note, we finished our family meeting.

I was going to see off Kai.

"The discussion went better than I imagined. I guess that's all?" Kai commented.

"Not really, since you would have to talk with the Valencia household since they are the ones who can represent me better." Then I typed the address of the main residence of the Valencia household and their phone number on my phone and sent a text to Kai their was the instant sound of notification.

Kai offered to go out but I denied it since this meeting took all of my energy since I had to mentally prepare for it. I just watched him leaving the pack's house territory.

Now I need to start packing my bags.


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I hope you enjoyed reading Chapter 11 from now it's will get more intresting since the we get to see the siren's sub-dimension in Chapter 13 I think. Overall I curenntly written Chapter 29 so no doubt the story will be updating.

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I will see you later my dearest alligators <3!

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