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I can't help but glance at our sleeping daughter. She sleeps so peacefully but occasionally she likes to move her arms a bit.

It's been two months since I gave birth to my precious daughter. I can't help but be amazed at how tiny she is.

Oh, if only she inherited Kai's unique eyes but I don't mind her having my brown eyes.

"Dear, you should let our dear Melissa sleep, rather than continue staring at her," Kai said in a quiet voice so he won't wake Melissa up. Then he kissed me on the neck, the place he imprinted on me. The touch of his lips sent tingles around the neck.

Kai got a point. Once you wake them up then it will be very hard to coerce them back to sleep. We learned the hard way.

"I'm trying but I cannot resist it," I replied and Kai smiled sympathetically. Nonetheless, I listened to his advice.

"You should rest while you can, she will wake us up at night," Kai advised and I nodded in agreement. I obediently followed Kai to another room and quietly closed the door.

After I took over the pack, I also received assets including the beautiful chateau.

During the Selection, the chateau looked so soulless and cold. We did a lot of remodeling not only to suit our tastes but it would let us live another century before it would need another renovation to modernize the inner workings of a chateau.

In the end, it's become a very warm place to live in and raise our daughter.

As always we would both lie on the sofa and read books. I put my head on Kai's lap.

It's our only moment in the day where we just enjoy our company quietly.

"Don't you want to take a nap?" Kai asked me affectionately. I shake my head.

"No, I just want to enjoy your company a bit more." as I gently touch Kai's face but Kai takes my hand and gently kisses it. I giggle at the gesture.

A lot has happened since I took over the pack and became an Alpha of the Silver Forest pack and then the Queen of the North Continent.

Of course, half of the pack refused to recognize me as the new ruler of the North Continent but soon they managed to recognize me as the new leader. By using the brute force of course.

The battle was bloody and messy but with Kai's help, we managed to have the continent under our control.

There was also a period where I had to split the territories that were destroyed and needed to decide which neighboring packs that supported me I should merge to.

"Will you attend tomorrow's audience?" Kai asked me. I frowned a little bit.

I have to admit that I didn't like having responsibilities ruling the continent. I prefer having responsibilities as the Princess of Nauloria while also having time to work on the research.

Even though Kai would perfectly do this on his own, he already helped me with a lot of things. It would be unfair for Kai to do most of the responsibilities when I am supposed to do my share.

"I'll go," I replied to him. Kai only had amusement in his eyes.

"You had such a funny expression on your face when you contemplated this." Kai smiles at me while stroking my hair. I only pouted at him. He then proceeded to stroke my cheek.

"Oh my dearest Evelyn, when I met you, I didn't know that we would be uniting werewolves and sirens together. Potentially creating a new race. " Kai's expression turned from amusement to sweet nostalgia. I smile in reply to him.

"Speaking of unity, when do we start paying taxes to Nauloria?" I asked Kai.

So far Kai has been very helpful in using his knowledge and experience to solve the problems. He was a perfect ruler and a partner. I never knew that I enjoyed him being as a King more than as a Prince.

To take control over the continent I needed to rely on Kai's power. To use his army, influence, and money that is very connected to Nauloria. There was no better solution than to become a colony for Nauloria.

The werewolf economy is so reliant on humans that it became a huge problem when the new virus started wiping humans out left and right.

I already started taking action to fix the economy but it will take a while to fix it.

"Until the treasury starts having profits," Kai said after he thought about it.

Well, I'll be lucky if the treasury starts to bring profits in the near future. Although there are aristocrats/nobles who are moving to the North Continent for new opportunities and are interested in investing.

If the treasury starts bringing profits then Nauloria will probably take a good amount of profits. I can't complain since the Emperor and Empress were already generous by sending additional resources to the North Continent.

Then I heard the knock on the door. I sat up properly because it would be a little inappropriate if I continued to lay on Kai's lap.

Leslie came with the report. She greeted both of us and handed me the report.

After Selection I offered her a job to become my assistant and promised that her siblings were able to become members of the Silver Forest pack.

"There is a report that now the left party is gathering forces for the rebellion," Leslie informs as I read the report.

"Alright, Thank you for bringing the report so you may go now." I thank Leslie with a smile. Leslie politely nodded and left the room.

"Looks like they don't want to give up," Kai commented and I nodded.

"Indeed. They used to hate outcasts and rogues and now they became the things they hated." I sigh and Kai chuckled.

We both knew that rebellion won't last that long.


Thank you for being in this journey with me and believing in me. 

I'm the authors who doesn't spend a lot of time perfecting the story but likes to write the story as it is. I don't know if it noticeble in my writing or plot lol.

Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed reading this story.

Right now, I would love to read comments about your first impression of the story, overall impression, opinions about the ending and etc.

Also, if you have any other question, please don't hesitate to post the questions in here. I will try answer all of them.

Once again thank you for supporting this story.

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