Chapter 47

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Luckily, today many of the filming crew have a day off meaning there will be no filming today so I can easily rest. I turned to the other side to see that it's empty. Judging by the scent I can conclude that Kai left a few hours earlier. But there was only a note on the pillow. I gently picked up the note that was written by Kai.

'I have a meeting with a human governor, while I'm gone make sure you take plenty of rest and don't forget to pamper yourself.'

I sighed.

Unfortunately, I couldn't pamper myself today because there are still things that I needed to do.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower and dress up for today.

Then I got breakfast delivered to my room and I started to review things that I need to do.

I also looked at the recent news and I saw that public opinion of Michelle is dwindling because of the challenge of the language. A lot of people didn't like the fact she couldn't keep composure in front of Kai and yet she wants to be Damien's partner. Many were dissatisfied that she was saved from elimination.

I only shook my head. I knew that this would happen.

Luckily, after I finished my breakfast my assistants arrived.

"I need you to contact werewolf media and ask them to publish an article about Leslie and Angela that will make people praise them," I instructed my assistants.

When Angela asked me to support her I realized that Leslie will be left without support because she was a rogue. I pitied her because she had a lot of potential. If she doesn't become a Queen I'm thinking of offering a position of lady-in-waiting.

Regardless, both of the contestants are praiseworthy. Angela participated in various charities and volunteered in many organizations and this fact should be known by everyone. While Leslie despite her background she was a fast learner and she showed huge progress during the selection. I'm sure people will see her as an independent and adaptable leader.

One of my assistants left and then I turned to another assistant.

"Please inform the driver to prepare the car. I will be visiting Richard Swanson's office." I gave instructions to my other assistant.

Before heading out, I brushed my hair and sprayed Black Opium perfume by Yves Saint Laurent.

Today was windy so I chose to wear a brown Burberry raincoat.

Then my assistant came back and informed me that the car was ready.

I went downstairs. I was greeted by the few participants on my way down and I got into the car that way prepared for me.

Luckily, his office was not far from the chateau.

Once I entered the building the receptionist recognized me and quickly informed Richard of my arrival through the phone. Since Richard was busy with his client, the receptionist prepared a cup of coffee for me. I almost accepted the coffee until I remembered that I was pregnant and quickly asked for the water instead.

Then finally Richard finished talking with the client and he invited me to his office.

"I apologize for making you wait, Princess Evelyn." Richard apologized.

"It's alright I don't mind it," I replied politely.

"Now can you tell me more about what you will mention? And why am I involved in Alpha's Frank will?" I asked Richard in curiosity.

"Alpha Frank had a lot of trust in you so he bestowed you the power of changing Alpha's when needed," Richard explained as he gave Alpha's Frank will.

I covered my mouth when I read the will. I couldn't believe what I've just heard.

He gave his title to his son Damien but if I don't see him fit as an Alpha I can replace him.

I noticed that Alpha Frank treated me as if I was his daughter but not to the point that I can take away power from Damien, his only son. Though I remember him telling me that I was more capable than Damien.

Since Damien became the King of Werewolves of North America continent that means I have the power to dethrone the king. Or else what kind of king will he be if he doesn't have a pack.

"But still why would he leave me with such a decision?" I muttered but Richard didn't haven't hear me.

In the end, I left the office in confusion and disbelief.

My driver was waiting for me so I quickly managed to return to the chateau.

I was walking up the stairs and I was passing by the hallway until my wolf hearing picked familiar voices. My curiosity got ahead of me and I decided to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"Shouldn't I choose someone that I like? After all, I would need to marry the person I choose." I hear Damien saying this.

"Yes but preferably you should choose someone that can match your status!" I heard Margaret's voice.

Then for a few seconds, they go silent.

"As your mother, I never give you bad advice." This sentence made me silently gasp as I slowly retreated from the door.

Never in millions of years, have I thought that Margaret and Damien were related.

I always thought that Damien's mother is dead since I was sure if she was alive that she would be by Alpha's Frank side.

Back in my room, I asked that my assistants prepare chamomile tea. Although the doctor told me to avoid drinking tea in large quantities today I never drank any tea.

And I can't just drink tea if I have a lot of things on my mind.

Fortunately, Kai came back from the meeting and I would be able to get distracted from my thoughts.

"How was the meeting, my love?" I greet him Kai grins at me and walks to me and kisses my cheek.

"It was good. Went better than I expected." Kai answers.

Then Kai stops for a minute.

"A little birdie just told me that you didn't follow my suggestion." Kai exposed me and I sigh in defeat.

"I couldn't rest when I had other things that I needed to do," I admitted then continued.

"But since you are here I will be able to rest." I looked at him. Being around Kai has always calmed me down. Not only does he have a calming scent but he also lets me cuddle with him.

Kai sighed and had no choice but to give in to my whims as he picked me up and put me on his lap and also wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Oh darling, the more I spend time with you the less I start to resist your wishes," Kai admits to me while he kisses my forehead.


Whelp I bet you didn't see that coming.

Though I want to know what kind of assumption you had about Damien's mother? Before the reveal of course.

She was kinda mentioned in the Chapter 6.

Though I would also like to hear about your opinion about the reveal :)

See you later! <3

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