Chapter 45

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"I'm indeed pregnant." My voice was quiet and shook a little when I got out of the bathroom to tell Kai. At that time Kai was pacing around the room when he was waiting for the result. Kai stopped and took a breath.

"Then I will book an appointment with a gynecologist tomorrow," Kai told me calmly. His eyes showed excitement but he was keeping composure in order not to overwhelm me.

After all, the contract that I signed with him states if I were to become pregnant I have a full right to decide if I should keep the baby or not.

"You should lie down and rest," Kai suggested. I listened to him and I lied on the bed while Kai went to my assistants to tell them about my dietary changes and also arrange the appointment.

I was left alone in the room that let me think about how I'm going to adapt to the new reality.

Funny enough, I was a person that wanted to find a soulmate but I never wanted to have kids instantly. Well, those were my thoughts when I first entered college. I wanted to do a lot of things while I was young. I'm still young. I'm only 25 years old.

Nonetheless, during the five years, I managed to achieve many things that I'm proud of. I guess I don't mind becoming a mother. I will be imprinted anyway and then I will have more than enough time to complete my other goals.

Furthermore, if I gave birth to a child, the little one will have lots of opportunities and will receive the best education as a royal child should. I don't think the child will lack anything.

Other than that, I don't mind raising a child with Kai. Since we both care for each other the child will be raised in a happy family.

I then smiled at the thought that Kai is playing with our future son or daughter.

If I have a daughter she will be my little student who will learn everything from me and for Kai to be spoiled by. If we have a son then it would be the other things around.

I smiled once again once I covered myself with a bedsheet.

Maybe having a child isn't a bad idea.

After like thirty minutes Kai finally returned to our room.

"Aren't you asleep yet?" Kai asked with a gentle tone in his voice.

"Fall asleep in formal clothes?" I chuckled. Then Kai hands me my nightwear and tells me to change. I complied with his request and went to my bathroom to wash off my make-up and do my night skin routine. Then I changed. I removed my clothes and changed to my lavender-colored nightwear.

When I left the bathroom Kai had already changed into his nightwear and he was lying on the bed. I lied down next to him then I scooted closer to Kai and he wrapped his hands around me.

"Kai." I softly called him.

"Yes, my darling?" Kai softly replied.

"What do you think? Are you ready to become a father?" I asked him. Kai only smiled at my question and then he kissed my forehead.

"If you want to raise a child then I will try to become the best father that I can," Kai answered as he hugged me tighter. As always his answer didn't contain any of the pressure to choose any of the choices regarding keeping the child.

"I think I'm going to keep it." I softly informed Kai about my decision. Kai was about to close his eyes.

"You decided that quickly?" Kai teased me and then he continued. "Regardless of the choice you will make, I will support your decision. But first, we will need to visit the doctor to check the health of our baby."

I silently agreed to Kai's suggestion and then we both fell asleep.

The next morning my assistant brought a drink and breakfast that will make my morning sickness easier.

"You know the interesting fact I found out yesterday?" Kai asked me. I took a sip of herbal tea that doesn't contain caffeine.

"What did you find out?" I asked Kai curiously.

"Your assistants knew that you might be pregnant because they switched your diet early on to make you feel less sick." Kai explained to me and then continued ." After they noticed that with the new diet you became less sick, they knew you were pregnant."

I look at Kai and then I put down my cup of tea on the table.

"Then why didn't they tell me and why did I find out about it yesterday? " I asked Kai. He only shrugged his shoulders.

"They thought that you knew that you were pregnant." I only frowned and tsked.

If I knew about it, I could at least save time and energy when I was feeling sick. Well, it's not like I can do anything now, at least they changed my meal plan as soon as they suspected.

One of the assistants knocked on the door before coming in.

"The High Priestess wants to meet you." I and Kai both looked at each other. I wasn't a religious person so I didn't understand what kind of business I needed to have with a High Priestess.

"Looks like your status as a princess is taken so seriously that even the High Priestess seeks to make a connection." Kai teased me. I only sighed and stood up from the chair.

I knew that the High Priestess would be visiting here but I didn't expect her to want to meet me.

Then the assistant led me to the nun who delivered the High Priestess request and we followed the High Priestess to the room where she requested to talk in.

While we were walking through the hallway I heard interesting gossip.

Michelle is still participating because Damien has a right to save a contestant from eliminations.

Too bad that she wasn't eliminated if she was Kimberly would feel humiliated. Oh well, I don't think she will stay here for long because the people will judge her of inability to participate in the challenge and will doubt her competence to become a Queen.

Then finally I arrived at the drawing-room where the Priestess was waiting for me.

The High Priestess was drinking tea at that time.

"Finally, I was able to meet you. I've heard you tend to have a busy schedule. I hope you don't mind me taking some of your time, Princess Evelyn." The High Priestess Agnesia elegantly spoke.


I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! 

Less than 10 chapters left to post! I'm so excicted!

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