Chapter 43

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One of the perks of becoming the princess is that I would be often treated as an important guest. This allowed me to reserve an additional room whenever I needed to. Or if I didn't like the food here I will be allowed to hire a chef that would personally cook food for me.

Though as a princess, I've tried not to complain about the food quality but it keeps deteriorating for some reason I had no choice but to hire another chef who will adhere to my dietary requirements. Strangely, I never had dietary restrictions before.

I only shook my head and I hoped that I was only given bad quality food and not because I used to the food in Nauloria.

At least, I can enjoy drinking tea on the balcony. I've had another meeting with the producers since we needed to make a graceful elimination for Stella since her soulmate is Aaron. Now that the producers know, no one will try to twist the story about Stella's sudden elimination.

After the producers left. I asked for another cup of tea so I can enjoy the beautiful August weather peacefully. Of course, I asked them to pour some tea for themselves.

As I was drinking my tea, My ears picked on one of the contestant's conversations as they walked down the hallway.

"I think the conditions here are decent." one participant hesitantly stated.

"You think it's decent? My home has better conditions than these. They would always cater to Princess Evelyn's needs; she even has her entourage, while we can barely ask for an extra cup of coffee," the second person complained they were other voices who agreed with the second person. I put down the cup of tea on the table and sighed.

"Ugh, speaking of Princess Evelyn she acts like a know-it-all. Why would a future queen need advice from the princess anyway?" First voice who spoke earlier added.

I gestured to my assistant to invite participants to the balcony. In a few seconds, there were a total of five people who were talking badly about the conditions and me.

Overall, I can understand the concerns about conditions but it's not that they would prefer the conditions 200 years after the last Queen's Selection happened.

Amongst the participants were Leslie, Angelica, and Michelle Kimberly's sister, coming from different backgrounds they were the most impressive contestants. My assistants didn't hesitate to spare a judgemental look at those candidates.

"For potential Queen candidates, you all seem to be ignorant of your surroundings and your actions." I first commented. Leslie and Angelica bowed their heads and apologized but Michelle didn't follow a suit which I can easily deduct that she was the one who was complaining.

"When one of you becomes a Queen you will be viewed in a magnifying glass and the halls that you will walk will have ears. If you slip up you will be heavily criticized." I calmly lectured at first. After all, I wanted them to become a Queen that would bring unimaginable prosperity to werewolves.

I looked at Michelle and I gave a sympathetic yet mocking gaze.

"I understand that you are very homesick, Michelle," I replied sweetly and sympathetically. For a moment Michelle was flabbergasted by my sweet reply.

"The only thing you have to do is ask, I can easily arrange a trip back home." After the second sentence, everyone got a whiff of what I meant.

"Are you asking me to drop out of the competition?" Michelle visibly scowled. I gently smiled at her.

"I think it will be the best for you. I understand some people are a little weak-hearted to go through the Queen's Selection." I tried to show her that I was sympathetic to Michelle.

"Thank you for your recommendation, Your Highness. But I will continue to participate in the Selection." She spoke through her clenched jaw and then she left.

Then I looked at the remaining contestants.

"You may go now. Tonight you will have to present what you managed to learn through the entire week." I dismissed the other contestants.

Once they left one of them spoke up.

"The nerve of one of these contestants." My other assistant who was with me nodded in agreement.

I didn't comment on it and continued drinking tea.

The time went very quickly and it was time for the participants to greet the guests.

"Before starting the competition I wanted to congratulate Stella for finding a soulmate from now she will be eliminated from the competition." Harry Swanson announced and everyone clapped and congratulated the couple.

The first contestants were the ones who received the easier languages since those contestants are barely fluent in any other languages except languages. As I expected most of all did very well in the challenge.

Now, the only one who has left is Michelle since she is fluent in five languages so it's important not to choose a language that is similar to what she knows.

Then Harry Swanson reveals to the guest that Michelle will need to speak Japanese with. I was very surprised to see Kai, he never mentioned that he will visit me during the Queen's Selection.

Unfortunately, for the participants who never met a siren, they were instantly allured by his charm.

Kai was the one who started the conversation after he saw that Michelle can't seem to start the conversation first.

Michelle wasn't able to snap out of the charm and kept staring at Kai. But she hasn't said anything in Japanese even if you are charmed you can say hi in another language.

He introduced himself in Japanese but the awkward silence remained. I shook my head and sighed. There was a time limit on when a person can stay silent and she seems to exceed that.

Then Kai looked at me in confusion and I sighed once again.

"You're disqualified, Michelle," I announced, and then Michelle snapped from her trans. To be honest, I would have given her bonus points if she at least spoke one sentence in Japanese while being mesmerized by Kai but instead she continued to stare at him.

"It's true you did exceed the time limit of silence." The host Harry Swanson agreed with me.

"You can't disqualify me without trying," Michelle argued.

"You knew the rules of the challenge and you could have taken another approach instead of staring at my husband." Then the producers turn off the camera before the conflict gets out of hand.

Nonetheless, producers and some of the judges agreed with me. Michelle didn't have any other choice but to leave the room.


Hello, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!

As you may have noticed that I uploaded chapter later than usual. The reason is that I got a job so updates will be around 7PM in Eastern European time zone.

I'm suprised no one noticed anything in the previous chapter. Perhaps you noticed something in this chapter?

See you later!

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