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Author POV
"ugh what time is it..."

she struggled opening her eyes as sunshine rays right into her eyes. she took her phone beside her and off the alarm.

"it's... 9AM ?!", she got out of the bed immediately, rushing out of the room. "HYUNJAE WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ... me up?", she stop screaming as she sees her brother sleeping soundly.

she look at her phone again, it's Saturday, 17 April. "phew it's Saturday... wait, 17th April... omg it's my birthday!!!", she cheered. she quickly took a bath, wearing casual clothes and cycles to the library.


she took the book that she hid for 10 days and dust off the book. "Things about soulmates", she read it out as she took it to her place and opened it.

'you will found your soulmate when you turn 18.'

"finally, i turned 18!!!"

she continued flip the book pages.

'April babies
when you meet with your soulmate for the first time, a moon mark will be form on your wrist at night, strikes 8 o'clock. on the second time meeting with them, the mark will appear immediately.
the mark will be not disappear until you finally recognise your soulmate.'

"ahhh im excited to meet my soulmate... who would it be...", her lips form a pout as she thinks.

"jaeyoung what are you doing here?", someone sat beside her. she closed the book and look at the person besides her, "o-oh sunwoo?" he showed her his smile.

"im just reading... some books hehe...", she replied. "wanna go out later? just you and me?", he asked and her heart skipped a beat when she heard the last four words. "umm, sure..."

"meet you at 4pm, here.", and that he left.


"it's lee jaeyoung's birthday today, what do we do?"

"since we made a wrong pair of soulmate, we should make this pair disappear from our record."

"but... how?"

"the two of them had their birthday already right?"


"okay then, wait for my order. we will start a game with the two of them at the end of April."

"noted, God"


jaeyoung went back home with smiley face. she's very happy and excited right now.

"woah i thought someone was angry for not waking her up...", hyunjae teased as he walked to her. "what's the matter, did you got 10 thousand won on the floor?", he chuckled.

"it's nothing like you think. it's just that, remember the crush i told you about?" she asked and he nodded his head. "he asks me out today...", she said as she looked down on the ground. "WHAT??!!", hyunjae act shocked. "am i finally getting a brother", he said as he went to sit on the couch.

"are you happier than me omg it's not even your crush jaehyun", she sits beside him on the couch. "no but, who is YOUR crush?", he anticipated. "what if it's changmin?", she raises her eyebrow. "changmin? JI CHANGMIN? i know he's not your type, now TELL MEEEE" she signalled him to come closer to her. "not going to tell you!", she whispered and ran away.



"mum! dad!", the two of them went to hug their parents as soon as the door opened, revealing them.

soulmate - tbz juyeonWhere stories live. Discover now