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tw // mention of death and knife
Author POV
"ouch ouch sunwoo! it hurts!", jaeyoung hissed in pain as sunwoo had a strong grip on her wrist.

sunwoo finally let her go when they walked to a space that no one's near there. "what's with you sunwoo? why are you being like this?!", she asked in angry tone. "me?! you are the one who has problem! why are you looking at him like he is your boyfriend?! why are you not even looking at me that much?! why is your whole attention on him but not me for at least a bit?! why...are you even asking him to come too when we were dating?!", he screamed on her.

"he's my friend! what's wrong with asking a friend out too?!", she shouted back. "jaeyoung... do you even know what's the problem right now? it's that you are giving another man more attention than your own boyfriend! you even invite him when we are going out as couple?!!!!??", he got furious as he ran through his hair with his fingers.

"and what's wrong with that?! i do not see a problem!", she looked angry too. "lee jaeyoung do you want me to see another girl like how you did?! are you already sick of me as your boyfriend?! do you-", he got cut off by her. "yes! i am sick of you already!", she covered her own mouth when she realised what she said.

he widened his eyes, "what... do you mean... lee jaeyoung..." she looked down on the ground, "i-i" "say something lee jaeyoung!!!", he shouted as he put a finger on her jaw and make her look at him.

she got startled as she looked into his eyes and avoided it immediately. she never see that scary side of sunwoo.

"i- yes! i didn't know my feelings for you was the same as my feelings for my own brother hyunjae! s-sunwoo, l-let's break up!"

sunwoo felt so heartbroken by her words, "j-jaeyoung ah... if you're upset by what i said and how i treated you just now, im sorry. please don't break up with me okay, l-let's stay together for a very long time hmm?", he held her both hands with his.

she took her hands away from his as she slowly shook her head, "sunwoo, im sorry..."

"okay... i got what you mean, let's see each other as brother and sister then...", he ruffled her hair and walked away. words can't describe how heartbroken is he.

"s-sunwoo... i-im sorry", she sobbed weakly as she sat down on the ground. hugging herself and buried her face into her own knees, she cried. she heard footsteps as she slightly looked up, no it's not sunwoo.

sangyeon showed her a thin smile as he passed her a handkerchief, "use this" she took it and wiped her tears away. "c-cousin... i-i broke up w-with him", she sobbed in between words.

he just opened his arms wide, she got the meaning as she stood up and got into his warm embrace. he patted her back, doesn't know what to say nor how to comfort his poor cousin.


"cousin sangyeon, if hyunjae ever asks you about sunwoo and i, just tell him that i did everything because my feelings for sunwoo is just siblings feeling too. im sorry that im dragging you into my mess and letting you suffer", she said.

"it's okay kiddo, as long as you don't do the wrong thing, i believe you do have a reason that made you acted this way...", he replied. "im going in then, you must be careful outside there okay, come back earlier today", he waved at her and went into the house.

she called juyeon on the phone.

"jaeyoung?", he picked up the call. "oh juyeon, can we meet?", she asked and he just hummed. "where and when?", he asked. "i will send you the location through message, be there as soon as possible", she hung up the phone and sent him the location that she will be heading. she put down her phone on the mailbox as she smiled.

"im sorry sangyeon, im sorry hyunjae, im sorry sunwoo. im sorry to everyone i met. i guess my life was meant to be like this.", she said and headed to the place.

while juyeon was a bit curious, "she haven't tell me for what...", he muttered. he got changed quickly and told eric before he left the house. he took a cab and showed the driver the location.

soon, he arrived.

"jaeyoung?", he went in with confusion. it was a bit dark inside so he struggled trying to find her.

"juyeon", he stopped as he heard her. "where are you jaeyoung? i can't see you", he asked. "stop there, im coming to you", she said. he heard footsteps soon and finally see someone coming, lee jaeyoung. he gulped, getting nervous as he has a weird feeling.

"juyeon, you are my soulmate right?", he widened his eyes as she questioned. "w-what do you mean soulmate?", he asked. "don't lie to me juyeon, although im a bit slow-witted, i knew that it's you", she stated. he just slowly nodded his head, admitting.

"juyeon, can you help me do one last thing?", she asked and he nodded his head in hesitant. 'what does she meant by one last thing?'


Juyeon POV
"hand my phone to my brother, its in the mailbox of my house, password is 0412", she said. i felt something on my hand as i feel her hands doing the job. a moan of pain can be heard as she pulled my hand, and that i only know what happened. that do or die mission

"LEE JAEYOUNG!!!", i held her on my arms. "j-j-juyeon... d-do you k-know what's the thing i r-regret most?", she shuttered on her words. "jaeyoung don't say anything, im bringing you to the hospital now", i carried her carefully in bridal style as she hold my arm weakly.

"n-no... d-don't"

the sun shines in the building and i can finally see her face, she had a thin smile on her face. "jaeyoung please", i pleaded. "i-it's that t-the moment i got s-stabbed, i o-only realised that i-i-i like y-you", she said and a tear came down from my eyes to her cheek. "i like you too, let's go to the hospital right now", i stood up and she hit my arm weakly.

"i-i only know t-that the feeling i h-had on s-sunwoo was s-s-siblings feeling a-after all", she smiled. more tears dropped on her cheek as she shook her head, "d-don't c-c-cry... i-i am lucky e-enough to know y-you... i-i love you... l-let's be soulmate on our n-next l-life"

she gave me a smile and took the knife out of her stomach. "LEE JAEYOUNG!!!", i shouted as i immediately rushed out of the building. this place is very remote that there are no cab services so i ran will all my might to the nearest hospital as quick as i can.

please save her


a spoiler from the writer, the next update will be the end hehe. and there will be epilogue too!

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