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Sunwoo POV
"naughty boy", she said in an annoying tone. i just giggled, how cute is she.

"is my angel angwy? aww don't be angwy okie?", i pouted as i keep cycling. "hmph!", is the only thing i heard from her.

"jaeyoung ah, do you like this short trip by me?", i asked as i stopped the bicycle. "we're here"

"woah", she was amazed by the view. she hold a grip on the metal lever as she's admiring the view. "jaeyoung ah~", i pouted and make her looked at me.


"you can only look at me, with that pretty eyes of yours. only me, no one else. you can only pout when you're with me, no one else. you are so precious that i wanna make you mine so so so badly. i love you so much jaeyoung my angel", i look into her eyes.

she pressed her soft lips to mine without hesitant. i melted on the kiss as i smiled between the kiss. "i love you so much too sunwoo. don't you dare leave me"

i sneakily reach my hand to hers as i intertwined my fingers and put into my coat.

she looked at me with her blushing cheek, "s-sunwoo" "you like it?", she nodded her head. i giggled on her cuteness. "yah what are you laughing", she pouted. "cute"


"can we walk a few more rounds before going back?", she pouted as she looks at me with her beautiful eyes. "it's the fifth round already my angel. it's a bit cold so you should go inside already okay", i patted her head.

"but-", she whined.

"let's meet tomorrow okay", i gave her a smile as she nodded her head. "go in now~", i ruffled her hair.

i got shocked as she pulled my wrist down and touched my lips with hers. our lips were apart to catch some air as she kissed hungrily. "bye!", she ran into her house.

i touched my lips as i smiled foolishly, can i have that again?


Jaeyoung POV
i immediately run to home as i closed the door and leaned on the door on my back. i got into sitting position and cracked a big smile.

"what are you doing here young?", hyunjae walked down the stairs as he wipes his hair. "jaehyun ah... i... really-"

i got cut off as my phone notification rang. i got excited, 'it must be sunwoo!'

"you really what?", he asked.

"nothing!", i rushed to the upstairs and went into my room excitedly. i throw myself onto my bed as i opened my phone.

it... was not what i expected.

i got confused as i replied a hi back

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i got confused as i replied a hi back. and the message was immediately seen and new message sent.

i got so scared that i accidentally throw my phone on the other side of the bed and screamed

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i got so scared that i accidentally throw my phone on the other side of the bed and screamed.

"LEE JAEYOUNG ARE YOU OKAY?", hyunjae barged into the room, looking at me panicking. i just nodded my head quickly, "it-it's just a happy news that i got too excited... sorry hyun"

"huh... as long as you're okay young", he ruffled my hair before closed the door and left. i picked up my phone back to see the same message. i read again calmly as a lot of questions popped up on my head.

"what do this person mean?", "how do they even know that me and my soulmate are not meant to be?", "what if this is a prank?", "but its a... do or die mission...", "who's my soulmate?", "how do i kill my soulmate", "should i do something?" every sort of thoughts on my head right now as I shook my head.

i tapped to see the profile but nothing came up, not even a phone number. 'it's impossible for human to do so, no matter how smart they are... what if it's...', i gasped.



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??? POV
"woah what's this?"

i hid my phone before they can see it, "what's what?" "the message of course! it's so long... don't tell me...", they looked at me with a smirk.

i just laughed with them as i hit their shoulder, "yah it's not what you think! for real!"

"you're dating aren't you? eyy just tell me who!", they hit my shoulder back.

"really! it's not!!!

they left and i took out my phone out as i read it.

they left and i took out my phone out as i read it

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can i just enjoy my life in peace?


Flashback (Author POV)
"what will you do if you meet your soulmate but it's not me?", jaeyoung asked sunwoo.

"hmm?", he looked at her. "you are my soulmate, for me, no matter what. even if the world don't assign us as soulmates, i will still look at you as my soulmate and my girlfriend", he smiled.

she pecked his lips, "i love you" she hold his hands and intertwined the fingers. "what about you?", he asked.

"me? i will dump you!", she joked. "oh?! you wanna dump your handsome boyfriend immediately hmm? you gonna date with your soulmate!?", he whined.

"yes!", she giggled as she started to run. "chase me if you can sunwoo!", she ran while laughing. "yah lee jaeyoung! i will get you!!!", he ran and caught her after a short distance.

he back hugged her, "what will you do? i caught you now jaeyoung" she turned her head to look at him, turning her gaze to his lips and kissed him.

he kissed her back and they laughed as they broke the kiss. "i love you, don't leave me for your soulmate okay"

"of course i won't, you cannot do that too!", he nodded his head.


hey umm i guess i'm kinda back from the rest. how's everyone doing? and anyone wanna guess who's the soulmate to jaeyoung? 🤭

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