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Juyeon POV
i facepalmed myself as i think why am i even here.

"hello, im lee jaehyun! people often call me hyunjae, im jaeyoung's brother!", he introduced himself.

"hi, im eric and this is juyeon!", eric introduced as i just gave hyunjae a smile. "oh, hi eric hi juyeon, nice to meet you two", hyunjae said as he gave us a smile too.

thank god he didn't recognise me...

"angellll", i heard someone screamed as i turned my back to see sunwoo. "o-oh? juyeon! yaaaaa what makes you here?", sunwoo walked to me. "y-you two knew each other?", hyunjae and jaeyoung asked at the same time.

"yeah he was the one that-"

"yeah, we met each other a few times before! right sunwoo?", i cut his words and elbowed him as he looked at me suspiciously and nodded his head.


a while later i see jaeyoung sitting on the couch alone while hugging herself, she looked a bit... pale?

i was walking to her when sunwoo went to sit beside her. he clingged onto her, "are you okay my angel? are you sick hmm?"

"i-im okay... maybe it's indigestion", she replied weakly. i shoved my hands into my pocket to feel something inside. "huh?", i took it out to see pills for indigestion.

'what the heck when do i even bring this?', i thought. i walked to the both of them and handed her the pack of medicine, "e-eat this"

she took the pill as she showed a weak smile, "t-thank you" sunwoo immediately went to grab a glass of water and handed to her, "thank you"

she felt better after having the medicine, her face looked better. after a while, hyunjae asked everyone to sit on a circle on a big mattress.


Jaeyoung POV
"so... uhh maybe not everyone know each other, let's have break the ice session i guess?", changmin suggested and everyone nodded their head.

"sure then ill start first!", minah said and she continue, "hello im minah, jin minah! im in class 2-1" "hi, im ji changmin from class 2-1, people especially LEE JAEHYUN call me squirrel", he emphasised my brother's name and i find it funny.

"hello, i am the math king in class 1-2, choi chanhee! i hate changmin so so so much for the chucky doll", chanhee said as he glared at the person besides him.

"did anyone said... MY CHUCKY DOLL?!", changmin immediately showed the picture of his chucky doll. chanhee screamed as changmin laughed. everyone else laughed too, i took a peek at juyeon, he laughed as his eyes closed. cute- wait what am i doing?!

"im sunwoo, kim sunwoo. officially taken by my angel lee jaeyoung", sunwoo introduced as he pecked my cheek. i blushed so hard, "yah why are you doing this in front of everyone?"

"oh? are you shy? you weren't even shy when you kissed me hungrily huh?", he teased me. i blushed even harder and hit his shoulder.

"quit the flirty! introduce yourself already", moon boy kevin shouted and everyone else laughed.

"i'm lee jaeyoung and yes, im taken"

the introduction continue with hyunjae, "i guess everyone knows me, lee jaehyun aka hyunjae from class 2-1"

"hi, im julia moon from class 1-2!" "hello, this is your moon boy, kevin! from class 1-2, and yes julia is my twin!", kevin said. "hi, i'm eric sohn from class 1-2", eric introduced himself.

"o-oh, hi i'm lee juyeon from class 1-3", juyeon gave a faint smile. "i guess now everyone know each other... should we start with truth or dare?", changmin said as everyone cheered excluding me.

"and this time we are upgrading with lie detector too! if you got truth and you lied, lie detector will do the job!", chanhee said as he brought the lie detector. everyone cheered even louder.

oh no someone save me from this place i wanna run away.

"so... let's start with... eric!", sunwoo said as he passed the lie detector to eric. "truth or dare?"

"i will choose truth then!", eric said and put his hand on the lie detector. "okay uh who's giving question", everyone laughed at sunwoo's question.

"okay, do you... ever eat someone else's snack?", sunwoo asked. "no! never have i done this!", eric said confidently. the lie detector really does the job, he lied.


"so that's where my snacks went to...", juyeon looked at eric. "b-bro look! i-i can explain!", eric looked around as everyone else laughed at his words.

"okay next let's see who's the lucky one... juyeon!", the lie detector is given to juyeon.

"truth or dare?", eric asked. "dare", everyone gasped as they heard juyeon's choice. eric smirked as he gave him the dare, "i dare you to kiss a girl here"

the atmosphere gotten up, everyone are waiting for him to make a move. juyeon stood up and everyone cheered. he walked to... me?

"hi", he gave me a smile.

"h-h-hi...", i replied. please, not me please...

he held my cheek with his warm big hands as he put his lips on mine softly, brushes my lips. i couldn't help myself but actually k-kissed him back before pushing him away as i feel someone's glaring.

i immediately ran out of the house.


Sunwoo POV
juyeon walked near me, i couldn't help but to think that 'is he going to target...'

he held her cheek and kissed her.

it's true, my thought was true.

and the worse was... she kissed back. although it doesn't look that obvious but, i can see it. she kissed him back.

i feel, my heart is slightly broken. how can she kiss him back... when the person she loves is me... or am i the only one who's dating...

she pushed him and ran out of the house. "j-jaeyoung!", julia shouted as she wanted to chase her but stopped by kevin.

"but she-"

kevin just shook his head, "give her some time to calm down"

"lee juyeon..."

he walked out of the house too.

i felt a pat on my back as i turned and see hyunjae giving me a thin smile, "it's not what you think sunwoo"

hopefully... not


hihi hehe just hi. stay safe and healthy everyone

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