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Jaeyoung POV
i ran and hide under the big tree beside the house.

"what the heck did i just do...", a tear started to escape from my eyes. "why the heck did i kissed him back?!", i clenched both hands into fists and hit my legs. "how do i face sunwoo now...", i covered my face with my hands.

"jaeyoung ah...", it's him.

i looked up to him as i wiped my tears away and sniffed. "don't talk to me lee juyeon, no... don't even look at me, go away"


"GO AWAY LEE JUYEON", i covered my mouth when i realised i just shouted at him. "i-im sorry but... leave me alone please juyeon...", i said softly.

he just walked off.


Juyeon POV
"i-im sorry but...leave me alone please juyeon..."

i sighed as i walked away, standing right in front of the house, i forgot that i will have to ring the door bell again.

it is my fault, only if i chose someone else. i knew that she's taken, why am i doing this? why am i acting so weird? and the most important, why did my leg brought me to her place and kissed her?

everything feels so unreal, it's like im getting controlled by someone else. i jumped a bit, i can feel my body now, but why couldn't i... just now?


"you're still here?", she asked as she looked at me sitting in front of the door. i just nodded my head.

she did the passcode for the door as it opened and we both went in. the atmosphere is... deadly cold.

i looked at sunwoo, he looked at me with his cold eyes. "yah lee juyeon why?", eric walked up to me and whispered. "i think ill leave then... thank you for today, and sorry too", i took my phone and left.


"don't leave, you have a lot of business with me eric sohn", is the last thing i heard as i walked out of the house.


Sunwoo POV
"j-juyeon!", eric shouted as he was about to chase juyeon back but got a hold by jaeyoung.

"don't leave, you have a lot of business with me eric sohn", jaeyoung said with her cold tone. this is the first time i heard her voice like this...

"w-what...", eric gulped.

"follow me", she pulled him upstairs. "we will be back in three minutes", she said. eric looked at me and mouthed something to me, "help me sunwoo i am dead"

"im going upstairs to ensure eric is safe, for some reason", i got up after seeing both of them out of sight. others just nodded their head as i walked away from the group.

i went to the laundry room as i see its the only room locked. i tried my best to eavesdrop everything.

"you knew that i asked you not to bring juyeon for one reason!", she said. "i-i thought that you have feelings for him when you said that...", eric sounds a bit guilty.

"you idiot! it's not that! i-i", she sighed before she continued. "don't you remember what happened when me and him first met?! i-i have no face to meet him again please...", i widen my eyes as i heard what eric said next.

"it's not that big deal... i mean it may be but, its just you seeing him shirtless... the bottom is covered well"

"shut up eric sohn! ugh fine im going out", i immediately ran downstairs and get well-seated as nothing happens.

"what happened?", hyunjae whispered into my ears as I just shook my head. the two came down already.


"it's nice to be on the beach, ahhh some nature time", minah sighed. we arrived on the beach, everyone ran towards the sea, except me and jaeyoung.

i walked nearer to jaeyoung as she's keeping the distance with me. "yah lee jaeyoung are you not going to talk to me forever?"

"s-sunwoo ah i-"

"let's not talk about that, what happened is already past. the most important is that, you still have feelings for me, right?", i said and we fell into silence.

"do you not...?", i asked as take her both cold small hands out from the coat and hold onto them.

"i do sunwoo but, i kissed him back too", a tear came out from her eyes. "what do i do, i didn't mean to kiss him back. for real sunwoo, it was uncontrollable. my body was numb after that, it feels like im under controlled when he kissed me. i don't even feel the kiss...", another few tears came out too.

i wiped the tears on her cheek with my warm hand. "don't cry angel...", i gave her a smile.

"it was so scary sunwoo, i wasn't even able to push him immediately i can't even move my hands", she hugged me and sobbed.

i patted her back, "i didn't say that im going to break up with you dummy. i love you so much, and i believe you okay angel"

"in return..."

she looked at me, "i can do anything for you to fully forgive me sunwoo..."

"kiss me hungrily like last time", i smirked as she blushed and hit my shoulder. "only if you can catch me!", she smiled as she ran away from me.

"lee jaeyoung!", i went to chase her. as expected, she is a slow runner. i caught her after a small distance, i back hugged her and giggled.

"are your legs too short hmm?", i teased her as she broke the hug. i pointed my lips as i give a smirk to her.

she wrapped her both arms around my neck as she tiptoed and started to kiss me. i feel butterflies dancing in my stomach. finally, the kiss i've been craving for. i kissed her back and the kiss become fiercer. her hand pushed my head towards her and we deepened the kiss.

she pushed me away as she is catching her breathe heavily. "that was so enjoyable, you're a good kisser damn lee jaeyoung never knew you have this talent huh?"

she blushed so so so hard as she touched her cheek and covered it. "don't cover it, it's cute, my little tomato"

we held hand and walked to the sea as hyunjae called us, "yah kim sunwoo lee jaeyoung!"


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