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Jaeyoung POV
"will you like this?", he asked.

i got confused, "like w-"

he crushes his soft plump lips on mine, kissing me. i was too shocked that i pushed him away.

"o-oh, im sorry..."

"n-no sunwoo it's not like that, it's just... too sudden..."

"i like you, lee jaeyoung", he confessed and smiled to me. "every time when you smile to me, i feel something inside my stomach, the butterflies inside my stomach are flying. it feels so wonderful, it makes my day. i think about you every day every night, your smile and your voice just stuck in my mind that keeps me awake. i love you so much, jaeyoung. will you be my girlfriend?", he looked into my eyes.

"yes, sunwoo. i love you too"

he immediately pulled me into another kiss again, and this time, its a very long one. the flowers inside my empty stomach are bloomed and even butterflies are attracted. this is sunwoo's power.

"you taste like strawberry, my favourite", he made me blushed so hard.


he walked me home, after the drink, since i told him about what happened. "i guess... we arrived...", i said as we stopped our pace in front of a big house.

'i really don't wanna go yet, i wanna stay with him...', i thought as he turned me to face him. "jaeyoung ah, close your eyes.", he said softly and i do as he said.

i can feel his warm hands around my neck and hair, don't tell me...

"and... open your eyes!"

i opened my eyes to see a necklace around my neck. ahhh he bought a cute necklace for me! "happy birthday my angel!", he smiled. "awe sunwoo..", i pouted. "go in now, or else your parents will caught you.", he said in a sad tone.

"okay... go back home safely sunwoo. byeee", i pecked his cheek before saying goodbye and run back to my home.


Sunwoo POV
she pecked my cheek. cute


Hyunjae POV
"woah woah woah someone looked happy..."

"jaehyun ah you won't believe this... HE KISSED ME AHHHH HE CONFESSED TO ME HE LIKES ME TOOOOO!!!", jaeyoung shouted, not too loud. "omg i guess your best birthday gift. i should get mum to cook my favourite food then!", i teased as she throw my pillow on me. "no, never hyun. fine, what food do you wanna eat tonight? i will include few for mum to cook.", she offered and i cheered.

"BEST SISTER EVERRR! okay umm umm i want... tuna fried rice ah it sounds nice already, and umm wait lemme think..."

she just chuckled at me.

"oh! and also some bibimbap it will be totally delicious woohoo best dinner everrr!!!"

"okay okay, geez when did you become so cute and hyper", and she left my room. i softly slapped myself, "am i dreaming woah this is the first time to get a compliment by young hmm"

im happy for her, but wait...

"YAH YOU HAVEN'T TELL ME YOUR CRUSH?! I MEAN YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!", i rushed to her room and locked her door room. "are you so excited to know who? pfft-", she scoffed. i narrowed my eyes giving her the look, "if you don't tell then i will..."

"fine! i will tell, it's sunwoo..."


"what do you mean by that", she gave me that questioning look. do i tell her this or not... "umm, nothing! it's just, never had i knew that my brother will be him hehe", i gave her a silly look and left her room.

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