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Author POV
"hey umm, jaeyoung right?"

jaeyoung looked at him, "yes! and you are... eric?"

"yes! so where are we going to do our project...?", he asked. "umm, maybe we can go to the school library?", she suggested. "trust me, doing it at the library is worse! there's a libraian in school who dismisses everyone who make a noise. i need freedom to talk at least damn!", he whined.

"is it okay if we do it at your house?", he asked, pointing at her.

she thought about her brother being a weirdo in front of him. "umm, i don't think so... i guess we can do it at your house if you don't mind hehe...", she rubbed her neck.

"sure! shall we go now?", he asked and she shook her head. "umm i have to meet someone for a small moment. maybe give me 5 minutes! i will be back here quickly!", she rushed out of the class to class 2-1.

she wandered around the corridor, trying to seek sunwoo.

"and what if i don't?", she heard sunwoo's voice.

"what do you mean don't?", hyunjae's voice was heard too. 'hyunjae and sunwoo?', she tried to eavesdrop the conversation.

"you should stop accusing me for dating her just to play with her. who do you think i am? did you even know why i posted that exposed thread on the teacher?! it's because of her! i wouldn't give a damn if it's someone else, but it's jaeyoung! the person i like!!! i knew that i might get kick out if i do this, but i still don't care. do you want jaeyoung to live in fear? do you want it happen again??", sunwoo screamed.

"sunwoo i-"

"thank you", is all hyunjae said after hearing sunwoo's thought. he finally let go sunwoo's bag.

"i love her hyunjae", sunwoo left the classroom and met jaeyoung beside the entrance. "j-jae-jaeyoung..."

she pulled his necktie and pecked his lips without hesitant. "thank you sunwoo, but please, never risk anything for me okay. don't do that again cutiepie, promise me"

hyunjae got shocked as well seeing jaeyoung in front of their classroom. "o-okay... angel", sunwoo smiled like a fool.

"looks like someone's in love~", hyunjae teased the two of them and got hit by sunwoo on the shoulder, "yah!" jaeyoung got shy as she finally realised what was she doing.

"i just realised you haven't invite sunwoo to come over to our house for 2 months, hyunjae. what happened between you two hmm?", jaeyoung is really slow-witted.

"nothing", the two said in unison and gave each other a high-five. she just look at the two of them with questioning eyes.

"oh yeah, i have a project to do with my classmate and im going to his house today and tomorrow. im coming back at 5pm so don't worry about me okay hyunjae!", she said.

"what about me? am i not going to worry about you?", sunwoo clinged onto her arm. "you sure are in love, being so childish", hyunjae teased.

"and sure, goodluck in your project jaeyoung"

"thank you!!!"


Eric POV
"sorry im late!", she said while catching her breath. "it's okay! and you don't have to run, you can take your time jaeyoung!", i replied.

"i guess we can go now. do you mind walking, since it's very near", i asked and she shook her head while giving a smile. "i love walking, lets go!"

we bought our lunch as we are on our way back. "why are you buying food for three?", she asked. "oh, there's one more person live with me", i replied.


"we're arrived!"

i passed her our lunch and opened the door for her. we went in after taking our shoes off.

"you can make yourself at home jaeyoung! while im going to put these food on plates, it's better to serve that way", i gave her a smile before taking over the pack of lunch and bring to the kitchen.

"okay sure thank you for the lunch in advance eric!", she took a seat on the couch.

"eric! where's my shirt? did you wear it again?!", and that's when i realised everything is doomed.


Jaeyoung POV
"eric! where's my shirt? did you wear it again?!", i heard another boy's voice.

i accidentally turned my back to the voice's owner and saw something i shouldn't see. h-he only have his lower body wrapped with towel.

i turned my head back quickly, pretending i saw nothing. my freaking heart is beating so fast, what the heck did i just do?!

"BRO! GET UPSTAIRS! I'M GETTING YOU THE SHIRT WAIT!!!", eric appeared and pushed him upstairs.

"w-wait! who the heck is she?!", he shouted, referring to me. "i will explain to you later now GO UP!!!", eric shouted.

"u-umm, jaeyoung i-"

"it's okay! i-i saw nothing! don't worry!!"

i don't even dare to turn my head over again to reply eric in eye-to-eye. this is so embarrassing ugh...

i touched my cheek, why the heck is it so hot?! i took out my bottle and gulped much water. it's still freaking hot?!

"aish calm down you little weak heart!", i murmured to myself as i realised how fast is my heart beating right now.

i heard footsteps again, "sorry jaeyoung!!!", eric apologised as he rushed to the kitchen to get the food prepared.

i just buried my head on my backpack, 'how do i face this ugh!!!'

i felt someone sat beside me, i turned my head to see that boy again. "who the heck are you and why are you here?", he asked with annoying tone.

"i-i..." i wanna go home ahhhhh i mentally cursed myself for seeing it and everything else.

"i am-"

"lunch's ready!", eric cut my word as he placed the plates on the dining table. he just walked away and took a seat there.

'what the heck should i do...'


wanna guess who before reading the next? come on drop a guess here i guess hehe.

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