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When I opened my eyes again the next day I was alone, Alone once again looking around the room noticing a vase with withered flowers and dirty water sitting up a Dummy fell, how it came there no idea I didn't even know why and when the others left the only two things I knew for sure where the facts I was in a hospital room and a little.

I was used to being alone and mostly liked it but now I wish I wasn't again. I wanted attention but then my mind wandered the thought I didn't want to think about such as "would they hate what I did to myself?" Or "are they requesting for me to be kicked out?" Where my mind ended up, what if they were asking PD-nim to kick me out?

If they weren't to do that, why did the mind always end up wandering in those questions; I didn't understand how I could think those thoughts or let my mind wander to such thoughts; they were like brothers, like a second family; they'd never stab me in the back like that.

I hadn't noticed, A nurse walks into the room with a plateau in her hands I sight let her put down the thing I wasn't hungry yet the question that ghosted through me was acting like a filler.

The worry and panic, like being on a plane with constant turbulence. It's a terrible feeling, but what if they did want to request kicking me out after finding out my secret and what I've done? I don't know what else I'd do, maybe I could just stay in my home. I hated how this question practically mocked my mindset, making me pessimistic about the smallest of things. I didn't even worry about why I was in the hospital, but rather, ended up worrying about the future.

I suddenly felt tears trickling down my face and my breathing quickening I shouldn't think about silly things like this, however, I always ended up being the one overthinking everything, and yet again that's what I did from a non-existing fly's making an elephant stupid, right?

"Jihoon?" a voice appeared shaking me out of my thought when I looked up I saw THE8 with a rather worried look on his face. He slowly walked closer to me and reached out to rub away my tears rolling down my cheeks but I avoided his reach and looked away still crying.

"Have they decided on kicking me out?" I questioned quietly, he reached to me and turned my face so I'd look in his eyes which had a soft look with worry sprinkled in.

"Hyung, why'd you ask ?" He softly asked slowly wrapping his arms around me and letting my back while playing with my hair still feeling tears run down my cheeks as he held me close to his body as he walked through the room meanwhile, to others entered the as well looking at the scene in front of there eyes, THE8 holding me close as he walked and rocked me while I cried this was immensely embracing for me.

The word: "Bàba" came out of my mouth in a whimpered tone. How did I come to the use of the word? I have no clue. I've never been taught Chinese by anyone, not even THE8 or Jun, nor did I take part in classes to further excel in the language. Though I came to a blurry conclusion that it was because I was in little space.

"It's okay little one" THE8's voice came out surprised yet still so gently as he cradled me in his arms gently sitting down in the bed Jeonghan sat down next to him looking at him slightly worried.

"Baby, can you wait for us?" Jeonghan questions me I wasn't sure yet nod my head and let THE8 put me down on the bed while the other huddled and left the room again I quietly waited while hearing whispers cane from behinds the door, I couldn't lay and say I wasn't scared because I was for sure I wasn't sure why for I was so scared either.

After a while, they walked in again and Jeongan was gone I was surprised as he usually wouldn't urgently without informing anyone THE8 sat next to me again lifting me into his lap, cuddling unto his chest closing my eyes as he held me while the others cooing at me; it's something new, however, I didn't mind as it was attention.

"Little one?" Jeonghan asked, automatically I looked up as I didn't know why for he wanted my attention he softly smiled yet I pouted as I didn't like the fact he called me 'little one' was I Arrogant to care about the name more than the situation perhaps but did I care at the moment, perhaps not enough.

"Why would you think we'd kick you out?" Jeonghan asked my heart stopped as I heard the question even big me wouldn't be able to answer that question there were a million answers that could be given but none of them would be good enough for an answer I couldn't answer which frustrated me a lot leaving the other waiting and waiting for something that wouldn't happen in any way possible, why did I have a hard time explaining myself I never had that before I couldn't blame it on my little space either.

"So, why are we waiting?" S.coups spoke in an inpatient, Arrogant yet worried voice now I asked myself how it was possible to have 2 negative tones yet add worry to it, however, I was suspicious about that my attention when back to THE8's cuddles again, so this was a wasttention span of a child or was it me overthinking everything our beloved leader said sometimes I hated my mind for overthinking everything others did or said why couldn't I trust everyone close to me; why was I such an outsider to myself?

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