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As I scrambled to pick an answer, or even come up with one at this rate, all of them made no sense. I felt pressured by everyone around me, looking and waiting for my response. It's Already been longer than 30 seconds... I must look dumb. Trying to avert my gaze away from everyone's eyes, I was only capable of looking down at my hands. I heard an Annoyed sight and that word.

"We shouldn't be waiting we have to work" it was no one else but S.coups who spoke my heart shattered in peace was this really how a leader and friend should be acting, I mean he had his problems just a year ago yet again we waited patiently for him to come back: He's a role model for everyone in the group and we love him dearly and then he does this.

"Hyung, give him the time" The8 scolded him S.coups lifted his brow and scoffed Arrogant Much, usually he wasn't like that he was calm, Reserved thoughtful, and always had gone by "Patience is a virtue" wise words from a wise leader, however, now I wasn't sure I felt like crying and that's the best answer I couldn't bring out, crying my eyes out.

"It's okay baby" The8 spoke softly as he rocked me while taking the dummy that had laid there forgotten and give to me I started to suck on it right away slowly calming down, meanwhile there was the annoying sigh again I tried to ignore by closing my eyes while Snuggling away my face in the other's neck being greeted by the so familiar a woodsy sentence with a handful of Roses passage mixed in it, it is one of my favorites scents in the whole wide world.

I wasn't close to falling asleep yet nor attaining any sense of true calmness either. I heard a very clear and quite unpleased groan and a door slamming followed soon after, I slightly flinched as it was harsh on my ears, especially with the jumpy state I was in.

with that being said, I still didn't need to look up to know it was S.coups who had just left, this honestly painted my heart. I felt bad for not answering but why was S.coups so mean I'd even say heartless somehow, I begun the think he didn't like me in little space or was it because he thought I acted, or perhaps it was all the attention I gained of being a little I was confused I wonder if the others were too, closing my eyes as I finally had calmed and was ready to fall asleep again yet my mind was chopped away every bit of hope and the power for me to see him as the wise me he was, do you know that feeling of being left alone in the dust by a friend?

While asleep I stood in a white space looking at nothing but nothingness until in front of me S.coups appeared I knew it wasn't him yet I couldn't help but tear up slightly and hug him, however, he didn't move he stood there frozen I didn't know what to do I wanted him to like me as the others did yet I felt like I didn't want to put all my hope and power it to something that could be seen as forcing.

I let go of the fake individual I held and it disappeared right away I didn't know what to do anymore standing as my mind went crazy, I couldn't be too long in hospital otherwise the comeback couldn't come it wasn't ready yet I shouldn't have run away that night how stupid had I been to run away I could have known I'd end up in a situation like this.

"Woozi" I heard someone shout out to me turning around rather than waking up once again in a cold sweat and falling on the ground through the fast movement I made previously now, Jeonghan had me in his arms sitting on the floor of snow-white tiles as I held onto him I wasn't crying even though I hurt myself and was hurting the elder was cradling me like a baby while my head was resting on his chest suddenly the door opened revealing Dino with S.coups I couldn't breath when I saw him.

"Jihoon-shi, Love I'm so-" he spoke before he cut off his own words and looked rather surprised as I looked like I was strangled by the wires attached sitting on Jeonghan's lap on the floor he rubbed the back of his neck before he continued.

"I apologize for being such a dick," he said. I let out a gasp, he had used a bad word! he seemed to be surprised as he let out a gasp himself.

"Cheolie used bad words," I aforementioned in a somewhat whiny pitch, then looking at Jeonghan who chuckled softly as he got up while he held me in his arms Nonetheless, soon enough S.coups held me I was uncomfortable at first even if I had longed for it soon enough I relaxed and laid my head on his chest smelling and Leathery frequent with an alight alcohol undertone he hadn't drink suju since it was rather a fruity champagne smell anyway, that being said he was very gentle and Quiet relaxed.

"Jihoon-shi, do you forgive me?" He asked. I wasn't sure if I had yet there I was in his arms I didn't shake or nod my head as I again couldn't utter a word it was frustrating the fact I couldn't "talk" made me so furious even though I wasn't a big talked however when someone was talking to or asked me I needed to answer them otherwise I would feel bad.

"How old is he?" I heard S.coups voice ask on one of the other members I was baffled by it honestly, I hadn't expected that he would ask so sudden I felt a small shiver run down my spine I wish I knew why that specific question made me uncomfortable, is it because no one ever had asked me or someone else or was it caused by the reasons that it scared me

How could such a question scare me, isn't it a normal question, or was it my mind the bit in my but and spoke to me about the back that he could be acting and that it was suspicious?

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