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We had been cuddling for a while, however, somebody wandered into the room as I was focused on Mingyu's cuddles, feeling oddly relaxed, usually, I'd be the one already being entirely ready to go and work yet now I didn't bother to hurry away the time finely being entirely calm silently, enjoying cuddles.

"Woozi?" I heard THE8 voice Calling me, turning around so I could see his face I didn't know how to describe his back then but now I could say it is disappointed for what I didn't know either which made me scared and kind of sad the day he'd begun on a good note but it was about to change for the worse.

"Yes?" Questioned being unsure about what situation I had brought upon myself, when suddenly S.coups appeared out of the blue I realized that they might have talked about what could mean he had lied, however, I didn't know yet so I waited.

"Did you steal S.coups phone?" He asked I was more than baffled as that wasn't what had happened a day ago I took a deep breath and shook my head I was hurt how could he have told such I lie to THE8 next to that he should have known me better I never would steal and that's a fact, I felt everything shut down even my brain I couldn't believe what was happening my main caregiver believing the leader.

"I-i Didn't steal" I squeaked out sort of scared as S.coups was in the room as well I mean if it's wasn't clear I was scared to THE8 HE must be blind even Mingyu's grip became intenser slowly as he felt me shake slightly.

"He stole my phone" S.coups Growled, I hid in Mingyu chest as I was on the verge of slipping and forcing myself to stay big it kind of hurt but I had to be big to do this, I heard the door opened and suddenly some pair of other arms around they were gentle I slightly calm my nerves.

I tried to speak loud enough but it still came out as a whisper "It just laid in the car and I took it" while I held onto the other person who I figured out was Jeonghan I heard S.coups mumbled a "liar" underneath his breath I felt tears in my as I was being accused from something I didn't do I felt the look the both Jeonghan and Mingyu give on the other two members.

"Do you think Woozi would "Steal" something like a phone?" Jeonghan said as he held me closer and looked at THE8 who was thinking about what Jeonghan said and ended up shaking his head even though he still seemed to lean more to believe S.coups, I pushed away from Jeonghan not wanting to be carried anymore who did put me down afterward fleeing to my bedroom and locking it.

I leaned against the door and closed my eyes hoping everything and myself could disappear from this earth I just didn't understand why The leader would tell such a big lie to THE8. The biggest problem was that he seemed to believe the leader more than I.

I sat there in the same spot leaning against the door being faced with something more comfortable being my bed but I choose to sit in front of the door honestly there must have been part a lot of time as I heard nocks so now and then with most likely Jeonghan's voice calling for me yet I choose to ignore everyone and him, I could care less about everyone I ever had forced myself out of little space yet after a bit I started to hurt it's wasn't that I was hurting before but now it was more.

When I finally fell asleep I was once again in a space a black as the milky way without any stars, I wasn't scared and just sat down again on the floor and just looked at the wall in front with showed my reflection the odd thing was that it's showed Jeonghan and THE8's reflection I kept on staring at the reflection soon enough I woke up and unlocked my door peeking down the corridor noticing now one the dorm was empty I started to make my way towards the kitchen as I was Starving.

However, after a bit, I walked into the kitchen making my way to the fridge opening it to see Bibimbap I smiled and grabbed it meanwhile my stomach was going crazy rumbling like there was no tomorrow sitting down I let out a satisfied sigh and started to eat I hadn't noticed Jeonghan and Vernon had entered as well but honestly I couldn't care as I was enjoying the Bibimbap a lot.

"Baby" I heard and was greeted by two no four arms around me again I was happier like it I reflex more and held leans into the arms more I didn't care if the wasn't THE8 or not even though my heart was longing for his attention and care since after all, he was the main and first caregiver I loved him even though he believed our leader"

"Baby, Hyung why did u stay two and a half weeks in your room," Vernon said and looked at me, wait did I heard that right I stayed two and a half weeks in my bedroom with not Food and I'm still alive how the hell is that even possible next to that Vernon called me Baby and still hyung it's supposed he still used the honorific even though he called me baby it was kinda cute Actually.

I was relaxed until I saw A.coups and THE8, I sight as both of them ignored me it did kind of hurt with a deep breath, and got up and yelled at them.

"HYUNG" both of them turned around and looked at me. I hummed and nodded my head as they stood there slightly confused.

"Guys-" I began but s.coups cut me off by walking away I frowned and looked at his back not shaking my head feeling the anxiety race through me wasn't healthy but this misunderstanding had to be settled before I evolved into something worse so no one could get hurt more.

"S.coups, please we both know this is a misunderstanding between both of us" the tension in the room was hard to carry but I was strong-headed and wanted this settled, the leader had turned around and looked at me finely listening to me I could help but thank God, Dramatic much I know.

"I didn't steal your phone, You forgot it in the car and forgotten about forgetting it," I said, wow how much can someone "forget" in one breath well 3 times it seems like, okay that's not important now I thought to myself why the hell did I lose myself anyway S.coups nod his head as he seemed to remember about forgetting his phone in the car.

"Oh, I see" S.coups mumbled and nod his head while he seemed to have an apologetic look on his face, However, his face and body language told me he was sorry I still blamed him for the misunderstanding and the way he had acted in the hospital and car I sight and turned around to enter the kitchen again.

Even if I was tired of the situation I still blamed him, that being said I sat down and continued eating my mine already being by the next thing I should do which was finely continue "ready to love" our new comeback song since people were waiting.

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