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All of a sudden the Black space began to shake was it an earthquake or was someone trying to wake me up, I wanted to open my eyes and see what was going on I felt trapped and stayed in the space instead now my mind wondered if something had happened to me had left was that why I stayed in the space I was now?

I kept on wondering as everything seemed to fall apart around me, the walls had holes while random floor pieces disappeared around, however, the peace of floor where I sat was safe for me to stay on even if I panicked I laid down closing my eyes trying to find a solution, however, the feeling of hovering approved and all of the sudden everything was normal again even though I woke up in a cold sweat alone with a drowsy feeling.

I knew well enough what it meant; I was going to slip and THE8 was nowhere to be found I let out a deep sight and stood up a bit shaky but nothing I couldn't manage I walked well rather waddled toward the living area discovering no one but S.coups, I was terrified since I wasn't typically someone who seeks or asked cuddles, but I suddenly wanted, no, craved them.

I quietly waddled to the couch and sat down looking at the TV watching what S.coups was and it was soporific, letting out a quiet sigh hoping I wouldn't catch the leader's attention, however, I did his eyes slowly wander towards me pausing what he was watching on the TV.

"jihoon-ha, are you okay?" He questioned I thought and slightly blushed not cause I was embarrassed but I was shy.

looking away and shaking my head, he seemed to catch on to the fact that I was there needing something he was hard to fool, hearing him chuckle slightly.

"Jihoon what's the thing you want?" He asked, glancing at me slightly with a curious look on his face I let out a deep sigh getting ready to talk.

"I'd like cuddles" I quietly whisper, he seemed to have heard me as his face changed into surprise a soft smile appearing on his face he wrapped his arms around me carefully and pulled me close into his chest, relaxing as I could hear his heartbeat and closing my eyes not falling asleep since I just woke up but I did feel at peace my thought finely having silenced themself.

Meanwhile, S.coups put on the Tv again while cuddling the front door behind us opened and squealing could be heard yet there was one sight which didn't sound precisely happy I looked around to search who the sigh belonged to and again it wasn't anyone but THE8 who was about to leave yet before he could.

"Xu" I shrieked slightly surprising him as I used his first name instead of "Minghao" he turned around but didn't seem angry just a bit surprised, he walked back to me and sat down next to me, I slowly went over to him and cuddled into his side still kinda shy as I usually was the cuddly one.

The atmosphere changed slightly it wasn't heavy or scary it was rather one with shock and strangling me in cuddles, attention, and questions, nonetheless, I now blamed myself for even Deering to cuddle on the couch. I just had to stay in bed instead and wait till THE8 came back home.

After a bit, the calm came back yet I didn't feel at peace I was rather uneasy dino and Vernon kept on glancing at me I couldn't pinpoint why for but I wasn't fine, I stood up and with a fast piece went back in my room I closed the door behind me laying down on the bed afterward hiding under the covers a way of the Attention and stares.

I closed my eyes with a deep breath until the door opened I opened my eyes mostly in fear as I didn't know who it was until the individual lifted the blankets to reveal himself as Jeonghan; the second oldest on the group, the angel of the group and another piece of the Vocal until.

He's also was one of the members I was closer with the look of worry written on his face as he sat down on my bed and looked down at me, I laid on my side into fetus position trying to dodge all eye contact there could be made it didn't help when he all of the sudden lifted me and plopped me down on his lap I froze for once not in fear but surprise.

"Jihoon-shi, why are u and THE8 acting so odd?" He asked, like S.Coups he wasn't easy to fool either I felt like I could sink deeper if he would continue I didn't dear to talk if my voice would sound like a child slightly higher pitched and playful or extremely scared and sad I hadn't noticed that my lips had begun to quiver softly and my body was shaking a bit.

"Hey Jihoonie it's okay, your safe I ain't judging you" he spoke softly as he held me close to himself slightly rocking me I clutched his shirt in my hand hugging him back with one arm calming down with a deep and slow breath while the older rubbed my back while rocking me, it felt like he knew what he was doing how he could calm me down I felt so at peace my eyes felt heavy and my body relaxed completely.

The piece left as fast as it came as the door flew open and reveille the others opening my eye to see THE8 in front with a rather apologetic look on his it dawned on me that's he had told the other what was going on I felt like I couldn't breath was is out of fear or anger I trusted him with the secrete, I never had been as fast out off little space before but now I was I looked at him.

"Woozi im-" he began but I cut him off looking at him while the others stood there I didn't want to hear his crap I wasn't mad, no I was Furious with the fact he told them.

"Hyung, listen to him he knew he was wrong'" Vernon said I didn't care and just walked away not caring about the fact that everyone was calling after and focused on where I was going.

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