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Before someone could answer, there was the savior in the form of a Doctor, how boring why couldn't it be an angel even though a Real angel look kind of creepy anyway, the doctor glanced at them with a lifted eyes brow before he continued his way and did his job.

"He may leave," he said before he left, the others packed up all my stuff while S.coups already had left to the car with me I didn't know if I should be happy with the fact he took me to the car and left the other alone or just stood outside leaning against the car leaving me alone inside the car, I quietly sat there looking down in my lap suckling away on the dummy I still had in my mouth I saw an item in twinkling in the front of the car and leaned over to take it.

Now I achieved S.coups phone I opened it to see he had a few games on it but that wasn't interesting to me since there was an app that had caught my attention that being Netflix however, S.coups had noticed he hadn't his phone and turned what did I receive when he saw me on his phone a slap on my cheek and a scolding.

The slap hurt a ton, so I yelled back at him, loudly, while holding my cheek to somehow soothe the pain. S.coups didn't seem to care about my nagging and just closed the door as if nothing happened. I was angry at him for sure, though I did know someone who could help calm me down. THE8 appeared soon enough, just the person I was looking for.

The word "Bàba" escaped my mouth in a blunt tone, and just as I had hoped, it succeeded in getting his attention. Opening the door calmly until he saw me with a mad look plastered on my face, slightly shaking from the irritation and pain, so there I was suddenly in his arms being rocked and cradled while THE8 whispering comforting words into my ear, helping me calm down fully.

After a while, everyone had settled down and the car had begun making its way homewards I still Sat in THE8 arms it might not be the safest option yet it held me at piece otherwise I already had gone for S.coups hair which would have caused a car accident Anyway, the Sky had started crying and its tears were falling do the earth

I was looking outside looking at the drops of water racing down the window, the sting of the slap still lingered but it's wasn't the only thing that lingered around in my head: A memory from when I was about 10-11 years old still in 5th Grade I was sitting on the lunch table when two elder kids came and begun to taunt me and kick me around I felt so lost not alone that but the name-calling was the most dominant I could recall.

"Cry, Baby" was the first term the came to my mind while others have appeared to be "Loser" as and "Bastard" or the world among them all was "such an ugly duckling among everyone in school" well that was rather a sentence among all what they said to me that stuck with me the most even though there were things like "prick" or " Wanker" and yet again I was willed and yet again I was mad well honestly I wasn't angry rather saddened by the fact I remember because of watch S.coups had done.

However, I didn't wanna cry now even though I was in a safe haven and could be myself I choose to bottle it and let it slide, closing my eyes I snuggled closer to my Main caregiver the one a trusted the most, and let my body go limp, hearing THE8 sight as he held me closely I smiled behind the dummy where I suckled on, falling in an rather wide slumber even though I was calm my mind wasn't.

After a bit, I opened my eyes again right away I was greeted with Jeonghan seeping face I smiled softly spitting out the dummy I had in my mouth getting up to go to my room hoping I wouldn't meet the leader as I was fearful of him quietly walking through the living ear then past the kitchen into the hallway where all bedroom was located the room distribution was made so that one of us had his own bedroom.

One the end of the day having your bedroom is the best thing I could find and could slip in secret if I wanted, well now I could slip in pieces whenever I needed it as for the bedroom distribution it was like this: S.coups, Wonwoo, and Jeonghan the second room was shared between THE8, Seungkwan, and Jun while the third room was starred by Hoshi, Vernon, and DK, and the last room was shared by Joshua, Dino, and Mingyu.

I entered my room and smiled slightly, going straight to the Attached bathroom to freshen up and change clothes. When I was done with that, I laid down on my bed. I couldn't say more than that today was a full day.

I was about to fall into slumber again when suddenly Dino walked into the room laying down next to me and cuddling. I didn't know why but it made me more at peace and safer for one reason or another.

"Hyung, why did you seem upset in the car?" He suddenly asked I didn't know why or how but I felt like everything was closing upon me again falling into the memory of being kicked around, build, and taunted I felt tears prick in my eyes, however, before I could utter a word Jeonghan and THE8 appeared, while Jeonghan took me in his arms and walked around the while bouncing me to help calm me down while THE8 scolded Dino.

While didn't have the chance to utter a word in between THE8 scolding, Jeonghan still had me in his arms trying to calm me down which didn't work out until the door opened again revealing the only S.coups I immediately stopped crying and slipped deeper into my little space it wasn't because I wanted to be younger but because I was scared being in a mindset of a toddler made the fact of being scared more fear-inducing.

The word "Eomma" fell out of my mouth catching everyone's attention Jeonghan looked down at me with a soft smile and held me closer giving me once again the same baby blue dummy from before I took it and suckled on it while Jeonghan carried me to his bedroom.

When we walked into the room we were greeted by Mingyu who was relaxing on his bed until he looked up at us and smiled at us, Jeonghan sat down on his bed with me in his lap and looked down at me.

"Baby, are you okay?" Jeonghan asked with a gentle voice as he looked down at me looking up at him and sniffled slightly even though I didn't want to cry anymore I was about to.

"Cheolie Scary" I mumbled surprising both men in the Room the eldest frowned at me before he nods and asked me to tell him what happened what I did at the of the story both members were fuming yet neither of them left until Jeonghan stood up and give me to Mingyu who ended up cuddling with me in his bed after a bit both of us started falling asleep Mingyu holding me close while I snuggled into his chest sucking on the dummy.

I wasn't at all aware of what took place the evening before as I had fallen into a deep slumber. That being said, when the next morning arrived I awoke noticing Mingyu had already woken up before me. He waited until I woke up for something. He faced me as he noticed I was now awake and smiled. I smiled back at him, still somewhat confused as to why he was waiting. Suddenly he hugged me, I snuggled him back even though I wasn't in my little space for once.

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