Chapter 1

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Sonata POV:

It's been an hour since the battle, which we lost by the way, and I'm hungry. Adagio is sitting on the curb picking at the pavement. None of us have said a word since we left CHS. My stomach starts to make disturbing noises and I begin to feel light headed and nauseous from the hunger.
"I'm really hungry" I whine and turn to face Aria. I expect her to make some sarcastic comment about me and my food but instead she just looks away. After being ignored, I turn hopefully towards Adagio.
"I don't give a shit" she yells whilst shooting me once if her 'evil' glares.

We stay in silence for another fifteen minutes before I decide to take action. Without asking permission, I grab Adagio's purse and walk off. Luckily, I'm not followed.

We were only around the corner from the school so it didn't take me long to find a cafeteria. As soon as I walk in, everyone stares me down. It's kind of freaking me out actually. I notice Twilight and her friends at one of the tables. When they see me, they immediately rise from their seats. Rainbow Dash comes storming towards me with her fists clenched. She tries to grab hold of my neck. I'm relieved when one of the others pulls her away and attempts to calm her.
"She's powerless, she can't put anyone under her spell anymore" I hear Pinkie Pie whisper to her. I never thought I was the one with the power anyway. It was always Adagio. She controlled me and Aria for most of our lives.

I quickly glance around the room just to check that no one else is going to try and attack me. The old woman behind the counter backs away as I approach her.
"Do you sell tacos?" I ask her in the nicest possible tone. She nods and cautiously passes me the paper bag containing my food. I thank her before trying to get out of that weird cafe as quickly as possible.

Once outside, I slowly un rap my delicious food. The tasty aroma fills my senses and I take a bite, trying to relish every last mouthful. Slowly, I walk back to where the others are, wishing I had bought a drink too.

When I return, they haven't budged. I feel bad for not buying them anything to eat. They don't seem to care anyway. I sit down next to Aria and sigh.
"So where did you go then?" she asks. "Just to that small cafeteria across the road from school. You know, the one we went in a few days ago", I reply.
"Oh" is all she says before turning away from me again. She really is the worst.

'Go back to sleep Sonata', Aria's words from earlier replay back in my mind. I decide to use these as words of wisdom. There is no point sitting here all night and staring blankly into space. I neatly lay my coat type thing on the concrete floor and try to fall asleep. The ground is hard and cold. I wish someone could just magic us back to Equestria. At least we would have a decent home, whether we had lost all our power or not.

Aria POV:

I feel like crap. I always do. I don't even care that we lost the stupid battle. Sonata is laying helplessly on the ground and after a few minutes, I decide to join her. The spring breeze is cold and it is nice laying against her warm body. I close my eyes and try and drift to sleep. I still feel like crap.

Part of me hoped that Sonata would bring me back something to eat. Maybe even a drink but I should know by now that she wouldn't even think to. It's just her dumb nature. I probably would have been given some stupid taco anyway. I'm sick of tacos. It's like the only thing Sonata talks about and the only food she even eats.

She nuzzles her head into my neck and I push her away. I don't want some taco freak hugging me! She tries to fight back and in the end I give in. I'm too hungry to start fighting with her. At least she will keep me warm. I wish I could just go back to Equestria. It's warm there and doesn't make me feel like I could kill myself.

What happened after Rainbow RocksDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora