Chapter 5

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Adagio POV:

Sunset Shimmer grabbed my wrist and cautiously pulled me towards a small cottage on Sugar Cube Corner. She lifted her hand to knock on the oak door but hesitated and quickly moved her hand from the door to rummaging around in her pocket.

"Oh they must be in here somewhere," she muttered to herself, still searching for something.

"Aha!" She said as I heard a metal jingling sound and she proudly presented me with a set of keys attached to about 5 small stuffed toy key rings. I hadn't realised that I was still staring at the cuddly animals with a smirk on my face until I saw Sunset's cheeks flush red with embarrassment. However, she did not say anything and proceeded to turn the keys in the lock.

As soon as we stepped inside, she let go of my wrist and carefully closed the door behind me. She then turned on a dim light and I looked around the house. The walls were covered in pink and blue cupcake wall paper and the house smelt sweetly of frosting. The pink carpet was littered with even pinker, fluffy heart-shaped cushions and beanbags. It's like a massive sea of pink and it's so vibrant it almost stings my eyes to look at it.

A small mutter was heard from above us and I suddenly heard the sound of faint footsteps coming from the stairs. I expected that as the person got closer, the footsteps would have gotten louder, but they didn't. They stayed the same. I'm suddenly hit by panic as I realise I barely even know Sunset Shimmer. The only times I ever encountered her was when I bullied her. She probably hates me. She probably plans on killing me or something. I'm beginning to regret trusting her so easily. She is a stranger to me.

Okay me, calm yourself. I'm sure everything is going to turn out just fine. Everything will be ok.

Luckily, I realised everything was fine as I heard a small whimper come from the pastel pink haired girl crouching in fear on the stairs. She frantically turned around and began to make her way back up but Sunset was quick to chase her and drag her back down. She placed her so that she was face to face with me. The girl, who I remembers name being Fluttershy, sobbed some more and hid herself away behind her long hair, trying to back away from me. Sunset's grip was firm on her shoulders causing her to be unable to move.

"It's ok Fluttershy, she's here to help us find Pinkie," Sunset told her reassuringly, softening her grip. Fluttershy looked uncomfortable but didn't say a word.

" d-do you mind it's ok with you that m-maybe you could..oh maybe take your hands of my shoulders I-if that's ok with you please thank you?" Fluttershy nervously whispered after about 3 minutes of awkward silence. As soon as Sunset let go, Fluttershy rushed away so that Sunset didn't have a chance to grab ahold of her again. As she clumsily clambered up the stairs, she let out a high pitched squeal that was weird yet amusing in a way.

I heard a door burst open and listened to some more of the strange squeaking.

"S-Sunset's brought th-that woman that A-a-Adagio, the siren!" I heard her squeal. The squeal was followed by a really loud, dramatic gasp (probably Rarity) and many words of disapproval. I then heard what sounded like a stampede of elephants running across the hall and down the stairs.

"Shit,shit,shit!", I muttered under my breath but loud enough so that Sunset shimmer could hear it. I looked towards her in hope that she'd help me but she just stared back at me blankly. A flash of realisation washed over her face when she saw a few of the other girls rush angrily but slightly nervously towards us. She was quick to pull me close to her and stand in front of me as a shield. This is knew to me. I'm usually the one who does the protecting.

By the look on the other's faces, this is most likely to end up badly.

What happened after Rainbow RocksDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora