Chapter 6

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Aria POV:

I slowly blink my eyes open. I try to sit up, attempting to lift my head up off the frozen floor but a sharp pain hits me. It feels like someone has stabbed me in the head. Oh yeah! I remember. It was that fucking psychopath with her fucking cake knives.

The pain is almost unbearable and I feel light headed and dizzy. Finally, I manage to heave myself from the ground. My head is still sore and I carefully take my hand to the area which hurts most. Something cold and wet meets my finger as soon as I touch my head and I know, without even glancing at my hand, that it's blood. Just great!

I continuously blink my eyes until they adjust to my surroundings. The shadows around me are blurred and I can't make anything out. I must be in the same place. It smells the same, although I can't really remember what it smelt like before. The room begins to spin and fade away but I frantically shake my head to try and regain full consciousness.

I look around the small claustrophobic space in search of Sonata. She's not here. After I was hit, I probably became unconscious and that woman must have taken her.

Wha...what if she's dead? What if I never see her again? A lump forms in my throat and I can't fight the urge to want to cry. Warm tears burn down my cheeks but quickly my mood changes from sadness to anger. And for the first time in forever, I'm angry with myself.

Why was I so stupid that I didn't protect her? I didn't even protect myself. But then I'm hit with a slight joy. What if she's not dead? What if I can find her?

I scramble to my feet, my head still aching. My hand reaches out towards the door handle and I try to open the door. Of course it's locked! Am I stupid or something? Probably. I slam myself into the door in an attempt to force it open. It hurt worse than I thought it would and I end up back where I started. On the floor.

The only other thing I can think to do is throw something, considering that's what I always do when I'm upset or angry. I remove my shoes and begin to throw them at the locked door. I run through my head all the things that piss me off and eventually something falls off the door, leaving a hole in it. The hole isn't big enough to fit through, but it's big enough to look through. I crawl up to the door and peer through.

Sonata POV

Scootaloo comes skipping back into the room holding a bowl of fruity goodness. Yum!

"Are those my fruits loops?" I ask hopefully, staring at the stripy pale pink bowl.

The purple haired girl passed me the bowl and replied, "Yep, just as Miss Pinkamena ordered. Where is Miss Pinkamena?"

"She left"

"Oh poo! My mum will be worried where I am. Bye


"Sonata. I'll be back later" and with that, Scootaloo left.

Suddenly, I hear a banging on the door to my left. That must be a storage cupboard thingy as 'Miss Pinkamena' went in there to gather some ingredients. Who is in there?

I try to get up and realise that I am trapped. What if there is an evil person in the cupboard? What if they're going to kill me?

Something falls off the door and shoots across the room. Then I see a familiar purple eye through the gap that has been created. Aria!

"Aria, is that you?" I shout.

"Sonata! Thank god you're alive!" she replies in an elated voice which is unusual for her.

"Why wouldn't I be alive? I thought you were an evil person coming to kill me Aria. Warn me before you do something like that next time."

"Well I didn't know you were fucking there did I?" Aria said, changing back to her usual tone.

"I'm not having sex with anyone! Look, I'm the only person here!"

"Oh my god! You are soo fucking dumb. IDIOT! I've been worried sick. I thought you were DEAD!" She screamed, her tone even angrier. Her breathing was staggered and her eyes became glossy. Was she actually going to cry? I've never seen her cry before. She always acts soo tough and like she doesn't care, but maybe she does.

"Aww, don't cry. I'm fine. Honest." I say to try and reassure her but tears begin to trickle down her face despite what I said.

"Sonata..." She says but her voice cracks up and she can't speak anymore.
She then speaks more seriously.

"Have you seen a woman with long pink hair?" She asks concerned. I nod at her, confused.

"Yeah, she was just in here a minute ago", I say. "She was baking cakes."


"Err... nothing really. She called this little girl into the room who brought me some fruit loops and said she was bringing me back cupcakes this evening."

"Did she strap you to this bed thing?"

"Well I don't really remember, I guess so."

"You need to get away from her. We need to get away from here. There's something 'off' about her. Can you unstrap yourself from the bed?"

"Ge'ez Ari, I'm sure she just wants to be friends. Maybe she is lonely. And since when did you become so protective. I can do things on my own you know. I'm not a baby!"

"Answer my question. Can you get out of the bed?!"

"I don't think so."

"Looks like there are some things you can't do on your own then." Aria gives me a smirk and then takes something purple of the ground. What is she doing with a shoe?

Aria throws the shoe underneath my bed but after it slides across the floor to the other piece of the broken door, a look of disappointment spreads across her face.

"Fuck", she curses under her breath and then she picks up her other shoe. This time she looks more happy and slightly proud with herself.

"Gotcha!"she says with a hint of excitement in her voice. "Can you get out now Sonny?" She asks and this time I manage to wriggle free of the strange belt thingys that were strapping me down.

"Yeppity yes!" I say happily.

"Can you get me out of here? The door is locked and I can't force it open." Aria says to me.

"There's some keys over here", I say, running over to the fifty million trillion billion keys on top of the fridge.

"Oh my fu..., this is gonna take forever", Aria groans. I skip back over to the storage cupboard and try the first key in the lock.

"Any luck?" Aria asks.

"Nope", I reply as I pick another random key from the key ring and insert it into the rusty lock. "This one's not looking any better." I then pick a third key. It is almost a pearlescent purple but blue but grey key and it's confusing me. I rhymed! :)

"Please please please work", I whisper to the key and try to unlock the door again. This time, it turns.

"Looks like you were third time lucky", Aria says as she pops out of the cupboard and walks over to me. She then does something that I'd never of expected her to do. She hugged me.

"I've been so scared for you", she says as she begins to sob on my shoulder. She squeezes me tighter and tighter until I am unable to move.

"Can't........ breathe!" I say gasping for air.

"Oh right, sorry. I guess I got a bit to carried away," she apologises as she pulls away from me, giving me a weak smile. Her face then changes to more serious and she stares me straight in the eyes and grabs my hand.

"Sonata, you need to get out of here now", she says and I slowly nod.

"But what about you Ari? Aren't you going to come with me?" I ask concerned.

"I'll see you later Sonny, there's something I want to do first. When is that woman coming back to see you?"

"I think she said this evening, when she is going to bring the cupcakes."

"Oh ok. Go. NOW!"

"Okay, okay", I say and I give Aria a quick hug which she accepts, and then I run off.

What happened after Rainbow RocksDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora