Chapter 8

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Sonata POV:

Oooo it's dark in here! After I ran off I found myself in this dark room that smells of dead things. Not that I know what dead things smell like. Or do I? Hmm... Where have I smelt this befo... OOooo I KNOW! It smells like that meat shop.... what is it that Dagi calls it??? Ohh the butchers. That's the one.

"There must be a light switch round here somewhere", I whisper whilst carefully feeling around the wall. I eventually come across something that feels similar to a pully bathroom light switch thingy but it's slightly dampish. I pull it, expecting the room to flood with light. However, a load of stuff just falls down.

I continue to carefully drag my hand across the wall until I find something that actually feels like a normal light switch. I switch it, well duh it is a switch after all, and this time I am successful.

Adagio POV:

"Come on, let's go upstairs to the others", Sunset said to me as she began to exit the room. Again, I follow. I feel like this is soon to become an everyday thing for me.

As we walk up the stairs I can already hear Rarity excitedly whispering about Pinkie's so called "boyfriend"!

"Oh he sounds quite the gentleman. I am soo jealous!!... but happy for you too... of course", I hear her say.

"Hey guys! We're back!", Sunset announced as we walked into the bedroom. I stayed close beside her. Another thing I've gotten used to.

"Yo 'sup Sunshit", Rainbow Dash greeted in a comical voice.

"I see you've changed your tone", Sunset replied.

"Yep", she said and then she turned to me. "Sorry about earlier. It's just... I didn't know if I could trust you, ya get me??"

"It's fine", I replied.

"Oh by the way guys, Adagio is going to be staying at mine for a while", Sunset announced.

"Well if Sunset ain't got no problems with Adagio, then that's enough for me. Y'all know.... after what she did and that. Err... no offence Adagio".

"None taken", I replied with a sigh.

"WHO WANTS PANCAKES!!!", a familiar high pitched voice squealed. The word 'pancakes' caused a stampede down the stairs. The room was left with only me, Sunset and Rarity in it.

"Are you not getting pancakes girls?" Rarity asked.

"We've already eaten actually", Sunset responded. "What about you. You need some breakfast don't you? You skipped lunch yesterday and merely played with your pizza. You didn't even participate in popcorn!", Sunset exclaimed.

"That's because I'm... I am fat!", Rarity screeched, almost crying.

"You? Fat? You're having a laugh. You're like stick!", I said.

"Don't lie to me Adagio. I'm fat. It's true!", she sobbed. Sunset sat by her side and placed one hand in her shoulder and with the other, passed her a tissue.

"Rarity... look, if you don't eat, you'll get really ill!" Sunset said seriously.

"NO IF I DONT EAT I WONT BE FAT!!!!", Rarity screamed through gritted teeth in between sobs. She pushed Sunset off her and stomped off to the living room.

I went and sat with Sunset and placed my hand on her shoulder due to her worried expression.

"What's up?", I asked concerned.

"Do you remember back in Equestria there was that awful illness in which ponies couldn't eat because they kept vomiting?", Sunset said.

"Yeah", I replied.

What happened after Rainbow RocksDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora