Chapter 7

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Adagio POV:

"WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING HERE?!" Rainbow Dash screamed in Sunset Shimmer's face. I only took a quick glimpse at Sunset's reaction but could immediately tell that she was afraid of Rainbow Dash. She was fast to react though, edging her face so that it was almost touching Rainbow's.

"Calm down would you! Adagio is here to help us find Pinkie and you're just going to scare her away!" she said calmly.

"Find me? Don't be silly Sunset, I'm right here!", a high pitched voice suddenly screeched.

"Darling, where on earth have you been?", Rarity asked the bright pink haired girl.

"Well, all that pizza we just ate left me feeling funny in the tummy so I just went for a little stroll to get some fresh air and that", Pinkie replied in her usual optimistic tone.

"And that took you 3 hours?", I asked her inquisitively.

Pinkie turned to me and without hesitation replied, "actually I met a few friends along the way. Why does it matter anyways??!"

"Kinda weird y'all friends being out at this time ah day... though it's a likely story comin' from you. Y'all friends seem to be out late at night almost every time we have a sleepover", said Applejack in her western accent, although it sounded like she was beginning to doubt that it was a likely story.

"Are you 110% sure that you met your friends, or is there something you're not telling us Pinkie?!" Rainbow Dash asked sternly.

"Oh I think I have an idea as to where Pinkie has been off too. Is it a booooy???", Rarity began to ask with some sort of excitement mixed with sarcasm. "It's a boy isn't it?!"

"Err.... You got me there Rarity. It's a boy" (why does it sound like they're having a baby XD) Pinkie Pie replied laughing nervously.

"I KNEW IT!!!" Rarity screeched with enthusiasm but blushed after realising how loud she just was. "Well go on. Do tell".

"Err... well his name is err.. um C-cc-col-c- Craig.......". As Pinkie began to waffle on, me and Sunset Shimmer gave each other similar looks. Suddenly, Sunset spoke (more alliteration).

"Sorry to interrupt your um... exciting story Pinkie, but I need to talk to Adagio. Alone. So I would appreciate it if you could finish your story upstairs."

"Okie dokie lokie! Come on guys, let's go upstairs!" Pinkie squealed.

"Oh yes. And maybe you could tell us more about this charming man named Craig?", Rarity said.

"Who's Craig?" Pinkie asked confused.

"Why he's your true love is he not?"

"Oh yeah err... Craig has um b-brown hair....." Pinkie began as the five of them made their way upstairs.

As Sunset walked into another room, I automatically followed.

"Here!", she said placing a food in front of me.

"What's this for?", I asked confused.

"Well I figured you probably haven't eaten since yesterday so you can eat this", Sunset replied, gesturing at the food. "Plus I could hear your tummy rumbling".

"Oh", I said slightly embarrassed. "Thanks"

I began eating. The noodles were more than satisfying. I think I forgot what food tastes like. I haven't eaten for a long time. I must have been eating like a pig because Sunset began giggling loudly.

After I finished, Sunset took the bowl and put it in the dishwasher. "Someone was hungry", she giggled. I turned to her and gave her a small sarcastic grin. Maybe she doesn't hate me after all.

A few moments of awkward silence passed before we spoke again.

"Sooooo..... Where are you staying?" Sunset asked.

"Honestly, I think I'd count as homeless", I replied looking down at the floor.

"Well you can stay here if you want".

"No no no, it's fine. You've done so much for me within the last hour and I don't want to cause you any more trouble than I already have".

"Then take this", Sunset said, pulling a large wad of money from the pocket of her leather jacked and shoving it in my direction. "This should be enough to house you in small flat or something whilst you get back on your feet".

"That's really kind of you, but I can't take your money", I replied pushing it away.

"Yes you can".

"No I can't and I won't. It's not fair on you".

"Then stay here, well not here exactly, but at my house".

"No I....."

"Look Adagio, you either take the money or stay at mine. What's it gonna be?", she said more sternly this time.

"Fine. I'll stay at yours. As long as you promise me I won't be to much hassle!"

"Cool", Sunset said more calmly now with a small nod. I've been so horrible to her and she never did anything to me. In fact, she's been nothing but kind since we bumped into each other today.

"I'm sorry", I say solemnly after I turn to look at Sunset Shimmer.

"For what?"

"I'm sorry that I bullied you. It must of been horrible for you after.... well you know, and I probably just added to it all. I guess that's what happens when you're power hungry".

"Apology accepted. It's no biggie. I've had worst. To be honest, you were nothing compared to the other kids. And I get what you mean with being power hungry. I turned into a raging she-demon....."

"And turned all the students into zombies for your own personal army? I've heard".

"I'm not surprised. It's going round the whole school and beyond", Sunset said looking away for a split second. "But I've changed. Like I said, I'm in a better place now", she turned back to me and said cheerfully. "Anyway, that's not what we need to talk about!"

"What do we need to talk about then?", I asked curiously.

"Well... You know Pinkie Pie. I have a slight hunch that she's got something to do with your missing friends or at least knows where they are!"

"She did seem slightly hesitant in explaining where she had been".

"Yeah, it's almost as if she's hiding something. You saw the way she laughed and acted. And the fact that she managed to forget her own 'boyfriend's' name."

"Look, we don't know for sure that she has anything to do with Aria's and Sonata's disappearance, although it's a possibility, and I don't want to stir up trouble between your friends. It could make things harder than they already are!" I exclaimed.

"Right. I understand. But you could at least ask. She might know something".

"Ok. I'll ask. Also thanks. For everything. I really appreciate your help", I turned and smiled at Sunset. She smiled back.

What happened after Rainbow RocksDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora