Chapter 9

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Aria POV:

Fuck my head hurts so bad. It still hasn't stopped bleeding. There must be somewhere that's not utterly gross in here to sit down.

A sharp pain is stabbing me in the head. My vision doubled, I can barely think straight. I don't know whether I should find a way out of here or stay to teach that pink freak a lesson.

At last I come to a patch of fairly clean ground. I slowly sit down, still keeping my hand firmly on my wound. I feel so light headed and sick. Bleugh. Knowing my luck the cake knife lady probably won't show up and I'm pretty sure I don't want to die here.

I guess I'll just sit here until the dizziness passes or at least just for a while. Then I'll figure how to get the hell out of here.

Sonata POV:

"Of course Aria's your sister. We're all sisters. We have the same parents!?", I almost shouted by accident.

"Wait, so you're all sisters? How comes I didn't know this. You guys all look so different", Sunset said, confused.

"Do Pinkie Pie's sisters look anything like her?", said Adagio, who was kind of hiccuping.

"I see your point", replied Sunset. "Just one more thing though. You weren't as upset about Sonata? What's up with that?".

"What!? You weren't upset about me!?" I yelled, offended.

"No no. Of course I was upset about you missing. I guess it was just the relief of thinking that you were both back or safe at least. I guess I got so happy and that's why the disappointment was worse", calmly said Adagio. "I guess I'm just scared".

"Then what are we waiting for?" Sunset said in a raised tone as she ran over and opened the little secret door. "Let's go and get us an Aria!", she said, holding out her hand to Adagio.

Pinkie POV:

Omigod I'm soo nervouscited about writing my first point of view!!!

"Woooo Dashie! Do it like a boss", I squealed as Rainbow Dash showed off her flipping pancake skills.

"This is my ultra rare splat pancake made just for you with twenty percent more swag", Dashie said to me with a stupid grin as she passed me a deformed pancake coated in Nutella.

Rainbow Dash is my best friend. We've known each other since we were 6 and we've lived together most of our lives. For quite a few years we had to take our chances on the street. Rainbow ran away from home. So did I, after I did something terrible.

We once stole enough money to buy ourselves our own little apartment. We kept up the rent by getting ourselves after school and weekend jobs. Dashie worked in the sports centre and helped out with after school sports activities. I got a job here, at Sugarcube Corner, just helping to make and sell delicious goodies. Mrs Cake, my manger, would also sometimes let me eat what was leftover.

Life was good then. However, I kept having days when I felt lonely and depressed. I would do stupid and dangerous life threatening things. Mrs Cake got worried about me so she took me to the doctors. It turns out I have really really bad bipolar.

Rainbow would also get sudden outbursts of anger. Turns out she has aspergers. Basically, with things often being smashed up and me and Dashie almost killing each other daily, Mrs Cake and Mr Cake gave us the apartment upstairs. They even converted the loft to make it even more spacious for us.

It's super fun living here and I can easily access my 'secret rooms'.

No one knows anything I told you except Rainbow Dash so just shhhhh about it.

What happened after Rainbow RocksDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora