Chapter 10

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Pinkie POV:

"OMG guys! Do you remember last week when we were playing truth or dare?!", I squealed with glee.

"What?, the one where we made Rarity lick the floor?", Rainbow Dash sniggered with a mouthful of pancake.

"Yeah that was hilarious!", I said almost jumping out of my chair.

"Her face though was just....", Rainbow burst out in laughter. "Rarity at her ugliest", she said sarcastically.

"I heard that!", Rarity called from the other room, clearly annoyed.

"Hey Dashie!", I whispered excitedly. "I secretly filmed her doing it. I've got it on my phone!" I felt around my jacket for my neon pink phone. "Poo, I think I left it upstairs", I said.

"Go and get it then", Dashie said, beckoning for me to quickly go.

I charged up the stairs at 90 miles an hour and swung round the door frame. When I entered my bedroom, I realised that the bed had moved. I went to investigate and realised that someone had found one of them. One of my secret entrances. I hectically grabbed my phone from the desk, pushed the bed back against the wall and darted for the front door, putting my phone in my back pocket.

"Did you find it?", Rainbow asked.

"Ermm no, I- I must have left it with C-Cameron", I babbled whilst flinging open the door.

"Wait Pinkie, it's in your ba-", and with that I was gone.

Oh my Jesus! My madey upy boyfriend was called Craig not Cameron. Oh well, no one will ever notice.

I put in my password and quickly tapped contacts. I rang Scootaloo but she didn't pick up. I tried again but I was just greeted with the annoying buzzing sound of the ring back tone.
"Come on. Pick up!", I muttered impatiently under my breath whilst waiting for the dark-pink haired girl to answer.

"Hello? Miss Pinkamena?", I finally heard the child's voice on the other line say.

"Scoots, we've got ourselves some intruders near entrance 7. We have to get there as quickly as possible!"

"What can I do??"

"Your nearest to entrance 4, am I correct??"

"Well I'm out at the moment so my nearest entrance would be entrance 2?!"

"Even better! If you take that entrance, follow the corridors left and then on the 5th corridor take a right, you should come to my workplace. That's where entrance 7 ends; behind a rug on the wall exactly opposite.

"Okay! Got it! I should be there in around 5".

"See you there! Too-da-loo Scootaloo. Heheh it's funny because it rhymes".

"Bye Pinkie", Scootaloo shouted through the line before hanging up.

I thought for a minute; the nearest entrance to me is in the house but I can't go back in there after I just literally ran out on Rainbow plus that's where the intruders entered. The next closest is about a 10 minute walk from here.

All of a sudden, I remembered something useful. There's a back entrance for the corridor in which entrance 7 leads into. If I sneak in there, I could catch them red handed.

I leaped up and down a few times and let out a really high pitched squeak before I stumbled round to the hidden door.

Sonata POV:

After crawling through the little alley, we entered the weird corridor I came across before. Nothing had moved so whoever that woman was, she hadn't been back since last night. Before I was in a rush so I hadn't really noticed the decorations on the walls. Along each flaky wall was a row of different hair. It came in all different colours and styles.  Each little parcel of hair had a piece of string rapped like a silk bow on a Christmas gift is.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 17, 2016 ⏰

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